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After the exhausting events on Geonosis, I decided to spend more time with my friend Padmé. I needed a comforting presence to restore my broken soul and I think she just needed the same. She told me about her secret wedding with Anakin on Naboo and I couldn't be more supportive. I had also fallen in love with a Jedi after all. But their relationship wasn't easy because of all the hiding thing. Besides, Anakin was out on missions most of the time. So, let's say that during a few months, we both needed each other for mental support. Once I finally felt like myself again, I decided to fly away to my next adventure.


An entire year has passed without seeing Padmé again. We were both very busy working. Thanks to the holograms, we can still communicate with each other and I was overjoyed as I learned about her pregnancy. Anakin is also happy to be a father. Nothing seems to get on their way as there are living their hidden love life. During this entire year, I didn't ask about Obi Wan and she didn't say anything, too afraid to hurt my feelings. After all this time living apart, I couldn't stop myself from thinking about him. My feelings are still unchanged.


I start passing around the room I'm currently staying in since my last mission. I was being hired by a family leaving in the outer rim, leaving me unaware of the crucial change of the Republic. I can't stop myself but being worried about Padmé. She hasn't contact me this week and her pregnancy is almost complete. What if something happened to her while I'm not around? Making a quick decision, I take my bag and throw my few belongings inside before heading to my ship. I have a bad feeling and I need to regain Coruscant as soon as possible.

As I set in the cockpit of my ship in the middle of space, I see the little blinking informing me of an incoming call. I immediately recognize the Senator Organa, a trusted man and old friend of Padmé.

"(Y/N)? (Y/N) can you hear me?" he asks between the sizzles of the monitor.

"Loud and clear Senator" I answer.

"Something really bad happened. It turns out chancellor Palpatine was the Sith Lord we were searching for. Anakin and the clone army killed every Jedi. There's no one left beside Master Yoda and Master Kenobi who decided to head to different planets. I'm currently hiding in one of my ships. I sent you the coordinates."

"What about Padmé?" I ask him with a shaking voice.

"I will give you more information once you are here." He answers after a short pause.

"I'll be there as soon as I can" I say before cutting off the communication.


I run faster into the hallways of Senator Organa's ship in order to reach the room where Padmé is supposed to be laying. I can finally see her as I step through the door.  She is laying on a metal table in the middle of the room, her body completely still. Her face is emotionless and her eyes are closed. I can already see the slightly white colour of her skin from the other end of the room. My best friend, my sister in soul is gone. I take a step closer to her before falling on my knees. I start screaming and sobbing, my body shaking uncontrollably on the cold floor of the room.


Her funerals were huge as a lot of people were attending. She was a very kind and loving person. She was my only family and I would never forget the precious time we've spend together. My entire soul is burning to ashes as I see the funeral convoy passing by.

I shoot one last glance at her grave, my eyes full of tears before heading back to my ship to join Tatooine. I decided to leave after the funerals to see the only person I have left in this word. My entire soul is craving for him.


It doesn't take long for me to find out where he was living. I asked about a newcomer living near the Skywalkers farm and I easily get my information. There weren't many people living in the abandoned desert. I'm now staying in front of his door, unsure of his possible reaction. 'What if he doesn't want to see me? What if he doesn't love me anymore or even worth, what if he doesn't remember me?' I take a deep breath before finding the courage to knock. As he opens the door, all my doubts are suddenly vanished.

I take my hood off and he looks at me with so much hurt, sadness and love that I feel my heart breaking again. I throw my arms around him and hug him tightly, burying my face in the crock of his neck. It feels like I'm holding on to him for dear life. I start sobbing again and he rocks me gently, whispering comforting words to my ear. His right hand is drawing circles on my back while his left-hand is slowly stroking my hair. We stay like this for what seems like forever. Two broken souls who lost everything, standing in an abandoned planet of sand.

When I finally let go of him, he cups my face in his hands and our foreheads are touching. He looks me deep in the eyes before saying in a pleading voice "Please stay with me".

"Always Obi Wan." I respond before finally pressing my lips on his.

The end

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