Part 9

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The Geonosian starts to chain them on two other columns.

Obi Wan turns to Anakin before saying "I started to think that you didn't get my message"

"We did Master. That's when we decided to come and help you"

"Oh. Good job!" Obi Wan says in a sarcastic manner. I can't help but chuckle at that.

The argument between the two jedis is cut off by the opening of a gate, revealing four beasts. I start to get nervous as I see the animals nearing us.

"I've got a bad feeling about this" Anakin mumbles.

"Just try and stay focused" Obi Wan says in a confident voice.

"What about Padmé?" The young boy asks.

"She seems to be on top of things" I say looking proudly at her already climbing her column.

I can take a better look at them as the beasts continue to walk towards us,. A giant bug with teeth is going straight towards Obi Wan. Anakin gets a huge alien rhinoceros with three horns. Padmé gets a feline mixed with a rat. I close my eyes before glancing at the beast I'm suppose to fight. It's a feline looking like a lion mixed with a tiger. He isn't very tall, which only means that it's probably twice as fast and I need to be even faster.

The animal starts running towards me, his mouth wide open, revealing deadly sharp teeth.  I dock and hid behind my column, as the beast jumps towards my head,. Fortunately for me, he only managed to bite my chains, breaking them in two. I quickly jump up, kicking the beast with all my strength while holding to the broken chains hanging from the bottom of the column. Luckily for me, the beast immediately blacks out. I suddenly see Anakin coming towards me ridding the beast he was supposed to fight. Padmé is sitting behind him. Obi Wan and I manage to run and hop up behind them. We are now in the centre of the Arena surrounded by battles droids. There is no escape.... we are trapped...

We suddenly see Mace Windu jumping from the balcony where Count Dooku was standing meanwhile lightsabres are being activated all around the arena. It seems the cavalry came just in time. We all jump off the beast as all hell breaks loose. Battle droids are coming from every corner and the battle begins. My sword isn't from any use against this metal droids and their blasters so I decide to take one of their weapons instead and start shooting. The hole place seems to explode. Lightsabres are swinging everywhere in a wild dance. On my left, I see Mace Windu slicing Jango Fett's head off. As I turn to the right, I see Obi Wan fighting the long-leg beast.

Anakin and Padmé are currently fighting against every threat coming their way at the other end of the arena. The Padawan with his lightsabre and the Senator with her blaster. They are literally forming a deadly team. I quickly glance at them and a smile crosses my face. By the way there are taking care of each other, I know that a lot of things happened since the last time I saw them.

Returning to the task at hand, I swing gracefully in order to cut another droid in half with my sword. I had to throw the blaster away cause there weren't any bullets left. I don't see the huge piece of metal flying my way as I'm fighting against the never-ending number of droids coming my way. The chock of metal hitting my head is terrible and everything around me turns to black.

I'm lying unconscious on the ground hidden by an abandoned vehicle, and I can't see what happened next. The last Jedis and the Senator are surrounded by an overwhelming number of droids. They drop their weapons in defeat. A huge noise can suddenly be heard from above them. They all turn their heads up to see the clone army coming their way on multiple fighting ships, landing in the arena to pick up the survivors. Everyone immediately runs towards them and I'm still laying in the sand, totally unaware of the latest events.

Obi Wan starts to panic. He hadn't see you since the battle stopped and he couldn't stop the increasing fear he was feeling since then.

"Master we need to go! Now!" Anakin shouts at him from the other end of the arena. He had already jumped into a ship with Padmé by his side.

"I need to find Y/N, I can't leave her behind" shouts Obi Wan back.

Closing his eyes, he tries to extend his senses with the help of the Force in order to find my body signature. He recognises a weak pulse of the Force coming from behind a pile of debris. The Jedi starts running towards the specific point, searching the sand desperately with his blue eyes. He finally sees me laying a few steps away from him.

He quickly reaches my unconscious body before putting two fingers on my neck to check the pulse. Feeling a weak beat of blood pulsing in my veins, he sighs in relief. He moves a strand of hair from my face, slowly stroking my cheek with his thumb, looking at me like I'm the most precious being he had ever lay eyes on. He picks me up bridal style before running to the nearest ship.

"Commandant, I need you to take care of her. Bring her back to Coruscant she needs medical attention."

"Yes General, we will bring her to a medical droid as fast as we can" the commandant answers him.

Obi Wan put me down carefully, giving his last instruction to the clones before joining Anakin and Padmé in order to prevent Count Dooku's escape.

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