Part 5

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"I really don't understand. The temple's archives are the most complete one of the entire galaxy. How is it that we can't find any trace of this system?" Obi Wan asks, rubbing his beard. Something he seems to do quite often when he is annoyed, or like now desperate to find a solution to a complex problem.

It's been hours now searching throw the entire archive system and we couldn't find any information about Kamino. It just feels like this place doesn't even exists in the first place.

"Maybe it's because someone doesn't want us to find that information...."

He turns his head tow me, looking completely puzzled. "What do you mean?"

"I'm just saying that this file could have been delated. If this trace is the one leading us to the assassin, he would have probably erase every single information. As you said, this situation could be far more serious that we thought it could be...." I explain while looking seriously at him.

"Only a Jedi could be able to find and delate such an information..." He replies, more thinking to himself than answering my accusation.

"I know..." I say knowing fully well what I was implying.

Obi Wan looks me deep in the eyes, and it feels like he's trying to read my entire soul. I sit there holding his gaze, perfectly still, waiting for his conclusion.

I can see the consequences of what I just said running through his mind as he finally speaks up. "I feel an indescribable disturbance in the Force since the assassination attempt and I'm afraid you might be right... There's just one way to find out. Let's get to the ship" he says before standing up and heading abruptly towards the exit.

I know my accusation is really serious and it breaks my heart to see that I'm the one causing him this pain. But this was the only possible scenario. I had also learned the hard way that the closest persons are the one who could cause you the worth pain.

Standing up, I followed him to the landing place hoping for the first time that my instincts are completely wrong. The consequences of such an action could be massive not only for Obi Wan but for the entire Jedi order.


The trip to Kamino isn't as long as I first thought and with this awkward silence between us I I'm grateful of that. I can feel Obi Wan practically meditating on all the latest discovers and I can't find the right words to say in order to release his mind.

After a few hours, we finally reach the coordinates Dex had given us earlier that day. Our missing planet is just where it should be... Kamino. It's an odd small and dark planet. Obi Wan lands the ship and we both climb out into the pouring rain. I quickly put my hood on and clench my cloak closer to my body, with my sword still secure on my back. When we finally enter the dome, we are drenched in water. A tall and skinny alien is already coming towards us, as we drop our hoods.

He bowed at us before saying "The Prime minister is expecting you".

"We are expected?" Obi Wan asks before looking at me obviously puzzled. I shrug before turning my attention back to the alien.

"Of course, he's anxious to meet you after all these years we were beginning to think you weren't coming? Now please this way." The alien turn and start walking through the hallway until we come to a door. As it opened, it reveals another Kaminoan dressed in black sitting on a floating chair.

"May I present Lama Su Prime Minister of Kamino," we both bowed as he does the same. "And these are..."

"Master Jedi Obi Wan Kenobi and this is my friend Y/N" Obi Wan introduce us.

We take a sit on two floating chairs before hearing what the Prime Minister has to say. All I can tell is that today was definitely a day full of awful surprises. He told us of the clone army he was currently creating for the Republic. This was an order coming from a Jedi Master who died more than 10 years ago, apparently. My instincts are telling me that I my suspicions at the archives were right and this ascertainment is really making me uncomfortable. Obi Wan plays his role with utter success thanks to his Jedi training and managed somehow to hide his feelings perfectly well.

After explaining the situation, the Prime Minister invites us to follow him through the complex in order to show us the clone unit they had already create. I'm even more confused as the Prime Minister told us they created the clones thanks to the genetic signature of a Bunty hunter known as Jango Fett.

"And where is this Jango Fett now?" Obi Wan asks. This information has obviously pique his interest as well.

"Oh, we keep him hear." the alien answers.

"I would really like to meet this bounty hunter..." I say with an innocent smile.

"Of course, I will lead you to him". We follow the Kaminoan to what seems like private quarters. He knocks at a door before it finally opens, revealing as small boy around the age of thirteen, looking suspiciously at us. After a few seconds he lets us in shouting for his father. Hmm interesting...

I didn't get the chance to think about it any further as a man comes to meet us. He was not especially tall, with dark hair. He looks exactly like the clones we saw before, if not a little older. Sadly, we couldn't extort any information about him as he was choosing careful every word coming out of his mouth. This man was a bounty hunter and a good one by that. Shivers are running down my spine just by meeting his gaze. After only a few minutes we bowed to him before leaving his apartment.

"I have a bad feeling about this" I whisper to Obi Wan as we walk back to our ship.

"And you're not the only one. This whole matter is getting odder by every passing minute. I have to tell the council about it. Wait here for me and see if you can get any more information about these Jango Fett. I can feel that his role will become essential in a close future."

I nod my head in agreement before turning in the next hallway to spy a little further. I only made one step when I feel a hand catching my wrist. I turn to Obi Wan to be meet with his concerned gaze.

"Be careful, we don't know much about him yet and it would be a huge mistake to underestimate him."

"Don't worry, I'm a professional remember?" Iwink at him before continuing walking along the wall through this new hallway,in order to be discrete.     

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