Part 8

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I wake up the next morning feeling a little bit dizzy. I open my eyes to see that the sun is already up. I sit up and start to search for Obi Wan only to find that I'm alone. He enters the cave a few minutes later.

"Where were you?" I ask him confused.

"I didn't want to wake you up as you seemed really exhausted so I decided to go and check our surroundings. I found a building nearby so I decided to sneak in to see if I could get any more information."

"And?" I ask eager to hear his answer.

"There was an important meeting going on, lead by a long-lost Jedi Master known as Count Dooku. I think he's the one who delated the Jedi archives and also the leader of the whole conspiracy. There was a lot of other people there too. I didn't recognise all of them but I could hear the voice of the leader of the Trade Federation. He was asking Dooku if the Senator Amidala was already dead, which the Master denied. It seems like Anakin is doing a great job. Anyway, the Senator's death is the ultimate condition for the Trade Federation to join the conspiracy. That's all I know for now and I sent a message to Anakin to inform him and the council about it. I think we should wait until it's dark to try to spy a little more."

He has just finished his last sentence as I hear noises coming from behind him. I turn my head and my eyes widen.

There stands what seems like two hundred battle droids surrounding us. Obi Wan's eyes are locked with mine as we both understand that we are just being captured.


"I hope this whole thing will quickly come to an end. I'm sick of standing here." I complain. Obi Wan and I are floating in the middle of the empty room for hours, our wrist and ankles handcuffed.

"Patience, they will come sooner or later and I'm not sure you're going to like it either" he says in response.

The door finally slides open, revealing a tall man with grey hair. A lightsabre is hanging from his belt. This must be the Count Dooku Obi Wan told me about.

"Obi Wan, what a pleasant surprise to see you. And you even brought a friend." The Count speaks slowly and gracefully as if he were an important person.

"This is all a terrible mistake, I'm confuse" he continues, looking at us in an apological manner.

"It shouldn't take long to set us free then" I say, playing his little game.

"It's not going to be that easy, I'm afraid" he answers me with a predatory smile. "What if I tell you that the Republic was under the control of a dark lord of the Sith?"

"No. No that's not possible, the Jedi would be aware of it." Obi Wan says.

"The dark side has clouded their vision. Hundreds of Senators are now under the influence of a Sith Lord called Darth Sidius."

Obi Wan looks deep into his eyes before answering "I don't believe you".

"You two must join me, and together, we will destroy the Sith!" Count Dooku continues.

"I will never join you Dooku" Obi Wan responds.

"Well, I think it would be difficult to secure a release" the dark lord sighs, before leaving the room.

At the other end of the room, a door lifts up revealing four battle Geonosians. They manage to set us down before leading us out, our hands still prisoned in the handcuffs. They lead us into a huge sand Arena outside the building. I can see the Count Dooku, Jango Fett and other unknown people standing on a small balcony ahead of us as a Geonosian pulls us to large columns. He takes the end of the chain holding my wrist together before flying up to the top to secure it. Obi Wan is chained on another column on my left.

"You were right about one thing" I say to Obi Wan.


"Yes. I do regret the small little room from before"

The gate suddenly opens again, revealing two other prisoners entering the Arena. I can't believe my eyes. It's Anakin and Padmé. I look at them in shock. 'What the hell are they doing here?!'

Until we meet again (Obi wan Kenobi x reader)Where stories live. Discover now