Geno x Reaper

37 3 1

OT fricking P baby

I ship it

So hard

This is another perfect example so of opposites attracting. Reaper is literally the Grimm reaper and geno is a being who eternally is dying due to a genocide run and an accident involving an injection of determination.

Geno Met Reaoer to thst Christmas party and Reaper rite day with a very drunk Geno. This was the moment the fandom just started shipping them across UPS, FedEx, and whatever shipping company you Non-Americans use. 

They may seem overrated, but they are overrated for a good reason. They are most likely the most popular ship in all of sancest shipping history! I would say the most popular of all of Undertale but We have the original universe to look at too.

I don't care what you say

I ship them

And I ship them HARD

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