Midnight Visitor

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A/N//: Noah as Nick... he's super cute
On the second day of Christmas
My author gave to me
Two pounding hearts and
One cheater with too many regrets

Chapter Two-Midnight Visitor

"S-Santa?" My eyes started adjusting to the darkness of my hallway. The man above me definitely did not have a jiggling, jolly belly at all. If anything, there was an eight-pack underneath that tight, red shirt. His brown hair was free flowing and his deep, brown eyes were wide with concern as he grasped my hands to help lift me to my feet, and I couldn't help, but feel like I had seen him before. Holy cow, why was Santa hot?! He chuckled, showing off his perfectly straight, white teeth. His laugh was as merry as the jingling of silver Christmas bells, it made the burden on my heart lessen slightly; it was so familiar!

When he made sure I was steadily standing, he retracted his warm hands from my skin, and I immediately felt a little less jolly. He nervously scratched his head and smiled at me. "Well, sorta. It's my trial period right now."

I frowned, majorly puzzled. "Trial period?"

"Yeah...my dad is Santa Claus. Here, let's sit down for this." He led me over to my dinky, little couch, the Christmas light from the ceiling and tree illuminating him beautifully. We sat down, me a little further from him than what he would've liked probably. "Listen, this is gonna sound so weird, but I promise you it's all true, okay?"

"Um, okay?"

"We keep tabs on all beings at the North Poll, especially the believers, and you're one of our favorites," he smiled.


"Yeah, but we got a red flag on you this morning...what happened?"

My chin started to tremble as I recalled the sickening events from this morning. The red hair, the slick skin, the moans, and cries of ecstasy....not mine.
Not mine.
I hadn't noticed that I was bawling until his arms wrapped around me securely, warming me better than a cup of hot chocolate. I sobbed into his shirt, clinging to his strong shoulders. Why did this feel so amazing...and so familiar?! I'm fucking crazy.

"Ben," I squeaked. "H-He..."

He cupped my cheeks in his hands and lightly stroked my skin with his thumbs. "Whoa, Whoa, Whoa. What did he do to you?"


He-Nick sighed and brought me into another hug, kissing my hair. "I always knew he was a bastard," he muttered. "Oops! I'm not supposed to swear." I pulled back and frowned. "It isn't kid-friendly." I giggled and shook my head, cuddling closer to him. "Anyway, um, we got a red flag with your IBS, so my dad sent me to check you out-I mean, not check you out, but to see how you're doing."

"A red flag with my What?"

"IBS-your Internal Belief System. It's how we track who's a believer and who's not. He, being my dad-"

"Santa Claus."

He smiled, "Yes, Santa. He noticed your IBS was changing and he wanted me to come and investigate."

"Why didn't he come himself?"

"Well, he's really busy, and he thought you would be more comfortable talking to me since we kinda know each other-"


"Oh, snickerdoodles, I wasn't supposed to say that." 

"How do we know each other?" Nick pursed his lips and looked down, hesitating. "Tell me, please." 

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