Change is good chapt. 1

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Chapter 1 new beginning

Emily's point of view: "Emily wake up we have a long drive ahead of us," said my mother

As I covered my face with the pillow I had underneath my head and let out a groan.

When my mom left my room I got up and did my normal morning routine. I put on a gray tank top,some sweatpants and blue vans. After I got ready I grabbed my bags I had packed the day before and loaded them in the car. I really didn't want to move I felt like I was leaving behind my friends and worst of all I had to start at a new school the next day. After 6 hours of sitting in the car with my brother asking are we there yet every five minutes we had finally arrived at our new house. It was pretty but not the same as my old house,my parents showed me my room which looked amazing but still didn't change my mood. My dad left and my mom sat next to me in the bed, "honey I know it's a big change but you will like it here I promise now go to sleep you have school tomorrow I wouldn't want you to be tired for your first day of school." she said than kissing my head. I finished getting ready for bed and decided to read a chapter of my favorite book divergent than dose off in a heavy sleep. "I'm so fancy," blared the alarm I set on my phone. I tool a drape breath and got out of bed, I picked out a pair of hollister jeans and a sunflower tank top than slid on my brand new black converse. I quickly grabbed my purse and ran down stairs to get some breakfast my mom had made. My parents bought me a jeep so I could drive my self to school everyday, during the drive to school all I could think about was my friends. there I was standing in front of my new school when a girl my age walked up to me. She must of known I was new by the look on my face also I had been standing there kinda long. "Hi my name is Sarah, you must be new to Avalon high," she said. Hi, I'm Emily I just moved here yesterday. She gave me a tour around the school and it felt like we were instantly friends. "here we are, this is your first period, at lunch meet me in the cafeteria by table 8," she said while walking away. thanks I yelled! I quickly found a seat in the back of the class trying to avoid people as much as I could. the bell rang and the teacher introduced himself "hello welcome my name is Mr. Hayes. Right when he finished this guy ran in and apologized for being late and took his seat. I noticed he was really attractive but I can't let that distract me in class. "Emily,what is the most important thing about English?" Mr. Hayes asked to witch I had answered with my opinion. As the teacher walked away nodding the guy who came in late turned around to look at me and he smiled, I guess I was staring because the girl next to me snapped me out of it. Class quickly ended so I hurried out into the passing hall when I felt a tap on my shoulder, "um hi I'm Jack,"he said charmingly. His smile caught my eye and I started staring again and I'm pretty sure he noticed. we talked for a minute or two than we went our separate ways. school finally ended but I couldn't leave quite yet because I signed up for dance auditions that were 10 minutes after school. the dance room was just down the hall and I was so excited. I walked in, stretched, played my track and I started my routine I choreographed.

Jack's point of view: In first period I saw this beautiful girl in the back talking to the teacher. After class ended I talked to her and she was really cool, she wasn't like other girls and something about that I liked. when school ended I rushed down the hall to football practice because I was a little late, but something caught my attention, it was coming from the dance room it was Emily dancing. She looked amazing, wait why am I watching this I hate the girls on the dance team and she is one of them now.

Emily's point of view: "congrats you made the team!" said the captain. I think her name is Ashley. I was so happy, I called my mom and told her the news so she decided to take me out to dinner with the rest of my family to celebrate. I woke up the next morning feeling a little more confident than yesterday, I decided to dress comfy since it was raining and it was cold. I threw on my dance sweatpants and a long sleeve Aeropostale shirt with my favorite high tops. When I got down stairs my brother said "why are you so happy to go to school?" I really didn't know why I was so happy but after thinking about I kinda did, I made a new friend ,I love all my classes, made the dance team and I met a boy. Sarah offered to give me a ride to school but first we stopped at Starbucks to get some morning coffee.

Jack's point of view: this morning was rough and I didn't feel like going to school but if I ditched I would get suspended from our first football game this Friday. As I arrived at school and headed to English when I saw Emily and Sarah walking I'm with Starbucks like what all the popular girls did. I was hoping she wasn't going to be the new popular girl because than she would never talk to me. I guess if she sticks around Sarah she is pretty cool and not really popular and mean. Good morning Emily I said as I let her in before me. I took my seat behind her and we talked a little. Hey Emily did you make the dance team? "ya, wait how did you know I tried out?" she said. Ohh well I walked by the dance room and I happened to see you dancing. She probably thought I was a stocker. Class begun and we went quiet.

Emily's point of view: It was lunch time so I took a seat next to Sarah and a girl named Katie who asked "what do you think of jack?" witch made sense she asked me that because she was the one to snap me out of staring at him. Well he is cute and when I talked to him he seems really nice but he is often late to class. She nodded and smiled. At the end of lunch I got up to throw my trash away when Jack approached me. "Emily can I talk to you for a sec?" he questioned. Ya of course. "I was wondering if after your dance practice you would like to go to a movie with me?" he said. That sounds like a lot of fun definitely. "ok meet me at the football fields when your ready. Alright see you then.

Jacks point of view: I finally got the nerve to ask Emily out tonight, I can't wait. During the last 5 minutes of football practice I turn to see Emily standing by the bleachers so I signal her one sec. My team did their routinely group huddle than I ran over to her. "Hey I didn't know you played football I thought you just picked a easy place to meet," she said. I have been playing since I was 10 it's probably my favorite sport. I'm gonna go change really quick but I will be right back. "ok don't be long" she mumbled. I changed and we got into my car and I drove down to the movie theater. We decided to watch The Amazing Spiderman 2. I was surprised when she said she wanted to see that, most girls I dated wanted to see chick flicks. I bought us a bucket of popcorn to share and we took our seats. We chatted a little bit but the movie started quickly. The lights dimmed and it got cold very fast. I gave my jacket to her witch made her smile and I loved seeing her pretty smile. when the movie got closer to the end she seemed tired so I let her know she could lean her head on me.

This is the end of chapter one and I am writing more at the moment. I hope you like it 📝

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