Chapter 1: Is it true, Albus?

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~Lily's P.O.V~

"I'm not sure what we can do to protect them..." I said sadly.

"Don't worry babe. We'll figure things out. We always do," my husband, James, told me reassuringly. 

"I suppose your right... If only there were a safe place we could send them..." I said thinking hard.

"There is, but I don't know who could take care of them there..." James told me. 

"Where are you talking about, James?" I asked him.

"Hogwarts. It's said to be the safest place in the world, but I don't know if any of the teachers are capable of taking care of a newborn and a one year old... And your muggle sister hates them.... She'd abuse them..." James pointed out.

"What other choice do we have... Voldamort is just getting closer to us," I reminded him.

"Fine, we'll send a letter to Professor Dumbledore. He can probably help us," James said. "I'll call Fiona." Fiona is our phoenix. She is a very magical creature and she can send letters just like an owl. I grabbed a bit of parchment and ink and wrote the following: Dear Professor Dumbledore, news has been sent that You Know Who is getting closer to our location. We have decided that, since my sister, Petulia and her husband, Vernom, are incapible of giving our young ones a good life. They hate us and our children and will most likely abuse him and not care for him properly. We have heard that Hogwarts is the safest place on earth and we thought that it will be safer for the young ones to go there. It's no longer safe here. It seems that You Know Who has tracked us down. We need to keep the young ones safe or die trying. We wondered if you could help us with the situation at hand. Your former students, Lily and James Potter. 

"Are you finished yet?" James asked me. 

"Yes," I replied. Fiona put her leg out. I securly strapped the letter to it. She flew away without any further words. 

~Dumbledore's P.O.V~

"Fowaks? Is this your girlfriend?" I asked as a female phoenix with a letter on her foot and chuckled. "Hello there Fiona. Urgent Owl I see." I removed the letter from her leg and read it. "They need my help? I'm not sure what I can do..." I wrote a letter that read: Dear James and Lily, I will send out Minerva to gather the children. In the mean time, keep yourselves and the children safe. Your old friend, Albus Dumbledore. 

I tied the letter to the phoenix and sent her back. 

"I must go find Minerva. She should be easy enough to scout out," I told myself. I walked down the spiral stairs and to Minerva's classroom. "Minerva, may I have a word?"

"Of course, Albus," she replied.

"I won't sugarcoat... It seems that the Potters and their children are in grave danger. They believe that Voldamort has found thier whereabouts. You must go and retrieve the children... Do you believe your up to this task?"

"Yes Albus. I'll set out as soon as possible. Is it true that Voldemort has found their whereabouts?" Minerva asked me.

"Yes, Minerva. Do you understand the importants of this mission?" I asked her detecting a trace of suspicion in her eyes. 

"Of course I do!" Minerva slightly shouted looking flustered. "I should set out now." 

~James' P.O.V~ 

I sat by my wife as Fiona returned with another letter attached to her foot. I read the letter to my wife out loud. We stared at each other in awe. 

"I'm happy to see Minnie again but I wish it was on better terms..." Lily said to me. 

"So am I..." I told her. I heard a knock on the door and before I could open it, Voldemort burst in. 


"Lily! Get yourself and the children out! I'll deal with this son of a bloody biscut eater!" I yelled. Lily grabbed Ember and Harry. 

I was about to use a disarming spell on him when he uttered, "Averda Cadevra!" He pointed his wand at me and I felt the agony of death cloud my eyes as I took my final breath. 

~McGonagall's P.O.V~

I heard screaming coming from the small house that held the Potters. I rushed in to see the comotion and was faced with a horrible scene. Lily Potter was holding onto two babies, one looking like she had just been born a few weeks ago and one that was not but a year old. Surrounding them were a group of Death Eaters and Lord Voldemort. I was terrified as I heard Lord Voldemort mutter the killing curse twice. Lilly dropped the children and fell to the floor. Little Ember's eyes turned red and she looked Voldemort straight in the eye and put her hand up as the curse hit her. It was deflected, to my surprise. Both children now had a scar. Ember's was on the on the back of her werewolf ear and her brothers on his forehead. Voldemort had been destroyed to everyone's joy. The Death Eaters ran away as fast as they could. I ran straight to the children and picked them up, bringing them back to Hogwarts. They seemed confused. I found Albus waiting at the front door. 

"What happened Minerva?" Albus asked me in a panic. 

"Lord Voldemort happened... To their parents... Little Ember deflected the curse from her and her brother... He's dead...." I said very quickly and out of breath...

"We'll bring them to see Poppy... She should be able to help our cause," Albus said to me reassuringly. He grabbed Harry from my arms as I carried Ember to Poppy. 

"What is going on here?" Poppy asked us once we reached the hospital wing. I explained the situation. 

"We may want to stop the bleeding wound, shouldn't we?" Albus asked Poppy.

"Of course. Simple enough," Poppy said and did her healing spell on Ember. It was ineffective.

"What? Why didn't it work, Poppy?" I asked her nervously.

"It seems that the girl is uneffected by healing magic.... I guess we have to use muggle medicine and ways of healing..." Poppy said and put a bandaid on her head. "These 'band aids' are supposed to stop bleeding over time." 

Ember Potter (A Harry Potter Fanfiction) Book 1: The Chamber of Secrets.Where stories live. Discover now