Chapter 8: Side Effects or Not, Your Going Home

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A/N: During the bite, she got a robotic bit of Fredbear stuck in her brain allowing her to survive. Her vision was also weakened. 

"Wake up, Wolfy, you need to get to school today," I heard Moony's soft voice waking me up. I hadn't gone to school for about a week so I could recover. I wondered how the rest of the class would react to the lightning scar on my head where the bite had been the strongest. There was a bit of medal that was lodged into my head under the flesh of where the bite had been. The lightning scar was slightly silver due to this. After school, we're going to the eye doctor because my vision has been blurry and foggy ever since the bite. My pups have been making daily visits. They say that the entire school knows about the incident and don't blame me for anything. I have been having great difficulty controlling my metamorphegus power though. My eyes, ears and tail, and if I'm mad, my hair, will change color depending on emotion, but I can no longer control it. I have healed relatively well. I slowly opened my eyes to find Moony standing there. 

"Mornin' Moony," I said to him.

"Rise and shine sleepy head," Moony chuckled. I got out of bed, my blurry vision making it difficult to find things. He lead me over to my dresser. 

"Th-Thanks," I stuttered. 

"Do you need anything?" Moony asked. I shook my head no and he left the room to make breakfast. I struggled to pick out clothes. My right eye seemed completely useless. I couldn't see out of it at all. I grabbed a pink shirt and blue shorts out and got dressed. I walked out to the kitchen to find chocolate chip pancakes waiting for me at the table. With extra chips and whipped cream! Moony knows me too well. I wolfed down the pancakes (pun half intended.) I finished getting ready with slight difficulty. I went to the bathroom to brush my teeth and instead of toothpaste, I accidentally put sunscreen on my tooth brush. I just spat it out and tried again, this time succeeding. I grabbed my backpack and went to school. I arrived there at the start of morning recess. I was still having troubles with stumbling over things and seeing things from far away, so I decided to walk to the swings. I sighed before I felt a hand on my shoulder. I fell backwards before being caught be someone. 

"Are you alright, dear?" I heard a voice ask. I looked up and saw Hyria. Hyria was one of our teachers. I could feel my eyes turn rainbow with confusion. I still had quite a bad head injury from Fredbear. I know that Hyria is a good friend of Minnie's. I squinted for a second to fix my vision before nodding. She helped me up and looked into my eyes. I couldn't read her expression, nor have I been able to read the expression of anyone else since the bite. I could feel my eyes turn grey as the world spun for a minute. I felt shy, almost frightened of everything. Then my eyes turned back to the confused rainbow as the world was still again. Then someone interrupted the shakiness of the moment. 

"Alpha!" Dottie said, startling me again. I yelped and ran off, tripping over a balance beam and having to tuck and roll. I found myself on the ground again. before feeling the full on force of fear take hold of me. I painfully resisted turning into my full wolf form, the pain showing through as I cried for it all to stop. My ears, tail, and eyes turned grey. Whenever my body wanted to transform and I fought back, it always felt like the crucio curse. I forced myself to fight the transformation as I heard voices telling me to let go and transform. I cried out. 

"N-No... I-I m-must f-fight b-back!" I stuttered out with great effort. Eventually, I won, and the transformation and the pain ceased, leaving me weak and sprawled out on the ground. I felt myself quit whimpering and slowly try to get up, to no avail. I felt someone helping me up. my vision had gone. When it returned before I stood. I realized during my little transformation mishap, I hadn't ran and tripped, I had accidentally flung myself away with accidental magic. I looked up and saw who was lifting me. It was Lucinda, a friend of my mothers. I didn't resist her, for I had no strength left in me to do so. I wanted to do so many things at once. I wanted to fight, to show everyone I was alright. I wanted to see Moony, Minnie, and Sev. I wanted the slight agony in my bones to stop. Hyria was nearby. 

I heard her mutter almost under her breath, so that only werewolf ears could hear, "Minerva will hear about this." There was no doubt about where they where taking me. They where taking me to the health station. The accidental magic and perhaps the fright and feeling as if I had been sent to school a little too soon made me feel slightly ill and hot. I had been taking medicine to recover since the bite, and I knew that some where to mask fevers and such with pain. Just then, I realized that I had been feeling slightly ill all day. My head hurt, along with my stomach. My stomach had been fine earlier but I was not feeling well now. I was fighting sleep. I hadn't had great sleep in the last few days. Nightmare's repeating, memories coming back to haunt me. She set me down on a cot. 

"What do we have here?" Nurse Emily asked. 

"She's suffering... Side effects of the incident that happened the other day," Lucinda told her in a hushed tone. My eyes were just barely opened when I suddenly felt my insides lurch. There was a garbage can next to the cot. I was scrambling to get up as Lucinda left the room I covered my mouth before grabbing hold of the garbage with the other. Emily seemed to understand, helping me sit up and rubbing my back as a removed my hand from my mouth as I felt tears in my eyes. I felt the bile rising in my throat. I threw up about 3 times before being able to breathe. I cried and laid back, allowing Emily to lay me back down. 

"I'll call your uncle, dear," Emily said as she put a hand to my forehead. She quickly drew her hand back with a slight gasp before saying, "and check your temperature. This may be more than side effects that we're dealing with." 

"Alright..." I cried slightly, coughing for a bit. She dialed the number into the phone. Moony answered after the first ring. She had put it on speaker phone so I could hear him. 

"Remus Lupin, how may I help you?" Moony said. 

"Yes, Mr. Lupin, this is the school nurse... It seems that Ember has fallen ill," Emily responded. 

"Hmm? How so?" Moony asked. 

"She was sick... and I believe she's got a fever. Also, her ears, tail, and eyes have turned grey. There was a bit of accidental magic that I believe was caused by the illness," Emily replied. 

"I'm in the middle of doing work, I'm so sorry... I wish I could come get her, I really do, but I'm afraid I'm very busy. Contact Molly, she's not at work at the moment. Plus, she's really good in these situations," Moony said from the other side of the phone. 

"Thank you Mr. Lupin, I will seek out the help of Mrs. Weasley," Emily said to Moony and hung up. She dialed another number. 

"Molly Weasley, how may I help you?" Molly's soft voice came through the phone. 

"Hello Mrs. Weasley, sorry to bother you but Ember Potter has fallen ill and Mr. Lupin is very busy at work during the moment. He recommended you for a babysitter until he can come get her," Emily said to the woman on the other side of the phone. 

"Of course, I'll be there straight away," Molly said before hanging up. 

"Now, we still need to get your temperature, dear," Emily said. I felt like I was going to be sick again and put a hand up to stop her so I didn't get sick on her or the thermometer. She had been so good to me and I didn't want to have her need to clean. I grabbed the garbage again slowly sitting up. I was sick a few times before I put it down, shaking and sweating coldly. 

"I-I'm s-so s-s-sorry," I cried out, barely able to speak.

"An apology is not needed, love," Emily said, carefully walking over to me, grabbing the thermometer on her way. She held it up to my forehead and ran it across it. It beeped, and she muttered, "poor girl, it's 101.4 degrees." 

"I-I just want to l-lie down," I cried and stuttered. She laid me down and lied a blanket on me. I was cold so I was thankful for this. She walked back to her desk. I fell asleep for a bit before waking up to someone rubbing my back.  

Ember Potter (A Harry Potter Fanfiction) Book 1: The Chamber of Secrets.Where stories live. Discover now