That was in the past

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I strode through the dorms of U.A university, it was a large campus, separated into different areas for what we needed. The dorms were established for our safety, although personally, I don't need any protecting. I'm just glad to get away from my hectic household for a bit, I don't know if I could stand one more night of my mom nitpicking me without losing my cool, I guess I don't have any cool to begin with though. My name is Katsuki Bakugou, I have a quirk that allows me to control explosions at will, but don't get me confused with that icy hot guy Todoroki.
I walked past the boys dorms, Denki Kaminari's room was half open.
I caught sight of him, already passed out from today's training, his hand laid on his bedside lamp, which flickered from his uncontrollable electricity bursts. I have to say I'm surprised he wasn't up "browsing the internet"..if you know what I'm getting at. Grape boy and him have a perv pact they have to keep up with after all.
All the rest of the doors were closed..except for "the" room. I try and keep it out of my thoughts, but it's hard when it sits, lingeringly open next to mine. At the beginning of the year, it had his name on it, I don't even wanna say it. Just bringing it up is taboo around here, it made me wince just thinking about it.
Suddenly, I was in no way tired, my curiosity got the better of me and I walked in.

I flicked on the lights, eyes hanging low I looked at everything, nothing of his was here..I guess he never fully moved in. Un-satisfaction clouded around me, I don't know why I expected there to be something in here, and I don't know why I had this yearning for there to be something.
I walked out, feeling stupid, only to see Uraraka standing there, her wide eyes searching mine for something, anything. Just like how I searched his room.
I stood there for a second, hands in my pockets, trying to act non-challant,

"You're not supposed to be-"
I was cut off by her voice.
"You went in there too..?"
She asked, already knowing the answer.

My usually intense gaze softened on her, I looked down, regretting even coming here.
She walked closer to me, hands clasped together.
"Have you seen the news Bakugou?"
I answered truthfully.
She looked up at me, her eyes red, as if she'd been crying.
"It's about Deku."
Even saying his name sounded like it hurt for her.
We stood there for a few moments in silence, until she broke it.

"You know're not the same, ever since he left."

This left me questioning myself, I guess I have been feeling different, after all I have no one to get mad at or focus on, I'm not really talking with my close friends. I'm becoming soft. I'm a stranger to myself..and to everyone else at UA.

"You don't get mad so easily and your eyes aren't the same..they used to burn with passion.."

She put her hand on my arm, I took it away briskly, she wasn't surprised.
Suddenly, she snapped.
"See?! You never let anyone help you..we're all worried about you! You're suffering and it's hard for us to just watch you slip away like this! Lean on someone for once..lean on me!"

She nearly screamed, I glanced side to side at the dorm doors nervously, I'm sure everyone can hear.
I took a step back,

"Uraraka..please I don't wanna talk about this!"

I started to raise my voice, which resulted in the same tone from her,

"When will you then?! I want to know what's going on with you.."

She kept coming closer to me, which made me defensive. I couldn't back away fast enough though, and suddenly I felt something warm against my chest. I've never been hugged like this, I didn't know how to react, I became stiff, but eventually gave in to her embrace. Her arms wrapped around my back, sending a slight chill throughout my body. I heard muffled sniffles against me, she was crying. Whether it was for me or for herself..or for him..I wasn't sure.

I imagined myself wrapping my arms around her, brushing her hair with my fingers, telling her I'd go back to being me, that everything would be ok in the arms hovered over her, but all I could do was put one hand on her head, and that took effort.
I don't know why it's so hard for me to comfort people, why it's so hard to be comforted. My intimidating quirk doesn't help.
She flinched from my touch, and after a long moment, she slowly backed away. My chest felt cold without her there, I yearned for her presence again.
She smiled slightly at me,

"He may not be here anymore..but I still am."

After that she walked past me to the girls dorm, leaving me alone in the hallway, subject to all of my classmate's ears.
I went back to my dorm, slammed the door and turned on the news, as Uraraka had said, Deku was on headlines.
I skimmed past the bold letters, sometimes titles jumped out at me such as,
"He goes by Deku."
"An insatiable villain"
"Former U.A student"
"Seen with the league of villains"
A picture flashed on screen, security snapshots of him walking through the city, barely trying to hide his identity with nothing but a hoodie.
My eyes widened and I scrambled closer to the screen to identify his features.
He wasn't the Deku I knew, the old Deku had hair that shone, brave blue-green eyes, a constant smile, and shoulders that looked big on him..however that was in the past. Now, he was barely a shell of who he used to be. He had bags under his eyes, darker hair, slightly hunched shoulders- I couldn't look at him anymore. I shut off the TV.
I guess we're both strangers now.

This is my first bnha fanfic! I'm happy with how the first chapter came out, so I hope everyone likes the ones to come!

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