Deku awakens

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Bakugou POV:

It's been a few months since everything has happened, and I'm doing better than I've ever been. 

I've been training hard every day, and that includes training my brain to sit through Mr. Aizawa's boring safety lectures, although I know the lessons are all because of me in the first place.

I woke up slowly and calmly, my arms spread out on either side of me.

I heard soft breathing and looked down, Uraraka's face was pressed against my bare chest, looking beautiful as ever, even when she sleeps. I smiled, remembering all of the places we went during our summer break, all the laughter and memories we did I get so lucky? I thought to myself. 

The pink morning sun streamed early September light into my eyes, I squinted and brought a hand to my face to block the world out. 

"We should get up" I mumbled to myself, not realizing that Uraraka was moving beside me.

"mm?" She muttered sleepily in response, her eyes opening hesitantly.

Suddenly, I heard a knock on my dorm door,

"Wake up wittle sleepy head!"

Kirishima's loud and sarcastic voice boomed from behind the door.

"Shi-" I began to say as Kirishima busted into my room without even waiting one second for a response.

He stopped in his tracks, eyes registering the scene that just spilled out in front of him.

Me, shirtless, halfway out of the covers with Uraraka wide-eyed to my left with her skimpy pjs on.

I'm sure he won't forget that anytime soon. I thought.

He just kinda stood there for a second, taking it in. 

"S..SORRY!" He stammered while slamming the door behind him. He was followed by Kaminari who questioned why he was so flustered,

"Dude what was that all about, and why are you so red? Are you gay or something?"

Kaminari teased and prodded at Kirishima who I could hear taking in a deep breath.

"What?! No..nothing like that, its whatever, let's just get to training." He finally calmed down, blocking Kaminari from entering.

"Jeez okay, I thought we never would." He responded, unbeknownst to anything.  

I let out a breath as I heard their footsteps and voices leaving my dorm door, 

Uraraka's face was flushed, her bed head very apparent,

"AHH Kirishima saw me basically naked Bakugou! That's so embarrassing, I'm sure he'll never unsee that.."

"It's not a bad thing to unsee.." I muttered under my breath, scratching the side of my face with my pointer finger when a pillow came hurtling at me at high speeds, knocking me down.

"Bwah!" I exaggerated, 'What?! I complimented you!"

I got up out of bed, no ounce of fatique left in me after my heart nearly failed due to adrenaline.

"Come on you heard them, we're gonna be late." Uraraka said hurriedly, fixing herself up to her liking..and mine. 

"Mhm." I responded, rubbing sleep from my eyes and throwing on our academy uniform, almost tired of wearing the same thing all the time, I mean my fashion sense outside of school is hella nice. Most people wouldn't expect it but, I bet you I could beat any guy here, including Todoroki in a best-dressed competition. 

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