Takoyaki and her

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I ran, still dizzy and delirious through the hospital hallways and out the two front double doors.

They closed behind me, trapping the voices of my friends inside. Tears continued to flood down my cheeks as the feeling of what I did consumed me, I never fully accepted it until that moment of confession. After what they heard, none of them would want to be friends with me anymore, I had a feeling they didn't want to be my friends anyway..my attitude at the beginning of the year was too much to handle for most of them after all.

As I ran, I felt a lifting from beneath me, the familiar feeling of my stomach falling.

Uraraka was trying to stop me. She must have touched me and activated her power during my outrage.

"Dammit!" I screamed, willing my hands to release grenade-like explosions behind me, enough not to hurt her, but to keep me from her view so she'd lose sight of me, and hopefully lose her concentration on my suspension. Once the grenade exploded, her grip released me with a hard landing, feeling the pain travel through my knees in short bursts. I bit my lip and kept running, using my bursts to jumpstart me ahead a few feet at a time, helping me in the long run.

When I felt that I was far enough away, my stomach growled and just then I realized how hungry I was, my energy was low too and I could barely run any further. I stopped at a food joint and ordered the spiciest foods they had as usual, however for some reason I had the urge to eat something sweet for dessert..had Uraraka rewired my brain somehow?

~A memory flashed through my mind.~

We were sitting on the bus bench together, we lived in relatively the same area. It was around the first few days of school and I barely knew her. I minded my own business, but out of the corner of my eye, I secretly watched Uraraka opening the takoyaki box. She glanced at me, glanced at the box, then glanced again. I was unsure of her intentions and not interested in the slightest.

"Here! As a peace offering! Hopefully, we can be friends!"

I glared at the glazed treat for a few seconds. Sweat started to bead down her forehead and her hand began to shake as I made no reaction.

"I'm not a sweets person floaty." I said. Looking away.

My stomach growled loudly, I hadn't eaten dinner yet after all.

"So you are stubborn!" She laughed, not afraid of me anymore it seemed. Using her quirk, she floated the takoyaki in front of my face.

My face twitched, irritated I grabbed the treat,


I yelled, standing up. She just continued to stare at me, I was sick of her look so I ate it just to get her off my back.

"Fine!" I said as I ate it in one bite. The intense sweetness caused my cheeks to turn red, I had to admit it was delicious.

Uraraka smiled at me, her cheeks turning the same color as she ate.

~flashback over~

I stared at the round glazed dough ball I had in my hand, it reminded me so much of her it was sickening. I still ate it anyway, feeling my cheeks turn red.

At the joint, I devised a plan in my head to get Deku back. I had no idea where to start..but I knew I couldn't just wander into enemy territory with no plan. Just as I was deep in thought, I heard a stomach-turning voice chuckle a few meters away. I whipped my head around, hoping I was just hearing things.

A familiar looking girl with hair put up in two blonde buns was sitting at the bar, disguised just a little as if she was hoping to get the police called on her. She wasn't drinking alcohol either, same age as us I was guessing. I slowly stood up from my seat, I know I needed a lead but not her.. she was dangerous. And although I would normally take her on...I resisted the thought of fighting her in this condition. I normally drew a lot of attention, so it took all of me to conceal my presence just enough to leave the building unseen. I quietly got up from my seat, leaving some yen for the waiter. It would really help if I had some kind of hoodie or something to make me not look like a hero in action. My heart was beating fast as I neared the glass doors. It was nightime now.

"Hey! I know you!"

I froze. Her voice may sound friendly to any unsuspecting person, but it was filled with malicious intent. "I know you" in villain language basically translates to, "You're on my list of people to kill and/or kidnap"

I racked my mind for a solution, time was in slow motion. I had to move without looking suspicious. I pretended as if I didn't hear and calmly walked out of the building. As soon as I exited I starting running again, but it was futile, about five seconds later I felt a harsh tug and a hand covering my mouth. I tried to scream but nothing came out, which was unusual for me.

I assessed the situation, I was in an alleyway, and the blondie was covering my mouth while smiling, my eyes frantically searched the walls and sky for a possible escape point.I saw a few but how would I get there? I thought what Deku would do.

"Shh.. if you scream It'll only cause you more trouble."

She whispered while holding up her signature syringe filled with..something?

I bit her hand in rebellion, causing her to take it away quickly. It began to bleed and she creepily licked it in response,

"My blood only gives me strength.. Kacchan."

What the-

"How the hell do you know my nickname?!" I yelled.

Toga began to giggle, her cheeks turning almost the same color as the fresh blood on her hand.

"You see Katsuki..." She leaned into my ears and whispered, sending shivers down my spine.

"My boyfriend Deku told me all about you.."

Anger infuriated me,

"HOW DARE YOU CALL HIM THAT! Only his friends can call him that..and only my friends can call me Kacchan you bitch!"

I screamed, slamming my arm into her with momentum, forcing her against the other side of the alleyway wall. With this, I manipulated my fire blast right into her, however, she dodged it by kicking me in the stomach and jumping behind me. It was all so fast,

"You're so cute when you're angry.." She said as she wrapped her arms around my waist.

"Get off-" I began to say,

But immediately after, my vision began to blurr. Dammit, were my symptoms from before acting up again? Only then did I realize the syringe was dug deep into my neck, how stupid! I was caught off guard by her grip..

I fell quickly, this shit really kicked in fast.

Surprisingly, she caught me, smiling all the while.

As I faded into unconsciousness, I used all my remaining strength to grab her wrist as tight as I could and say,

"If I ever hear you say he's your boyfriend again I'll kick your ass."

Everything went black, a familiar feeling at least.

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