All eyes on me

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Uraraka Pov:

I walked into class, it was almost the last period of the day..and Bakugou's chair was still empty. Every day I hoped I'd walk in to see him sitting there, my mind was plagued with thoughts of how he was doing..or even where he was. Everyone else who was at the hospital felt it too, his last words to us haunted me.

"He left because of me! It's all because of me..Deku is being brainwashed by these villains because of me!"

What did he mean? If he was related to Deku's disappearance like he said he was..then how and why? I know they had some kind of visible past relationship but, we never expected it to be hurtful, not to this extent at least.

I sat down, but something didn't feel right.

Just as suddenly, Aizawa Sensei actually ran into the classroom, we never usually see him that hurried or energetic..ever. He looked winded, as if he just ran all the way from the front office.

"Class, I just ran all the way from the front office."

He choked between ragged breaths. Just as I thought.

"Getting too old Sensei?"

Kaminari joked, being the class clown his laughter was highly contagious, creating a domino effect of chattering giggles.

The room became attentive as Aizawa's face turned serious,

"I wish I never would have to address him this way, but, it's about Midoriya."

Everyone went silent, Kaminari looked down at the ground, seemingly feeling bad about making everyone laugh.

"Its actually about Bakugou too..we weren't going to show this to any of you, but we figured you would find out anyway when you all went home tonight." He stated, more quickly.

It took seconds to connect the two names together in my mind.

At Bakugou's name, everyone stiffened, preparing for the worst or for the best. Maybe he was found safe? That was the hope that was visibly penetrating through the room. The air was thick with anticipation and worry, I've never heard the noisiest class of U.A be so quiet.

Aizawa triggered a crystal clear hologram messaged from All Might of the current news program.

It took a second to focus on what was happening..Deku! And..Bakugou, but something wasn't right. Relief filled me for a quick second when I saw Bakugou, but it quickly dissipated after analyzing the situation that was unfolding live.

I stood up in my chair so fast, eyes wide and my mind searching for words.

Kirishima bolted up as well,

"What's happening!? Is this live?! Aren't you going to stop him from hurting Katsuki!?"

His voice choked out at the end, hands balled up in fists, furious.

"Kirishima, I'm as upset about this as you are, rescue efforts are already on their way at trying to pinpoint their location. However, we can't subject any of you to the danger of this situation, apparently the whole league is there and there's a good chance one or two of you wouldn't make it out alive."

The room exploded in my classmates protesting.

"ENOUGH!" Aizawa basically screamed.

Just as quickly, Deku started to talk, staring into the camera.

"I know you're all watching, Lida, Kaminari, Kirishima, Tsu, Uraraka..the list goes on"

The way he said my name made me shudder.

Bakugou grunted through the hankerchief at my mention.

"Oh..somebody wants a word."

Deku exclaimed while taking it off, being weirdly gentle.

Bakugou almost immediately began yelling,


His eyes flamed with resentment.

"Well, why not? They're my friends too aren't they? You one point I called you my best friend, right Kacchan?"

His look softened slightly, but returned to fury instantaneously,

"I don't think best friends kidnap and tie each other up do they?! Or is that just your quirk now?"

Deku obviously didn't like that, responding with a swift, hard kick to Bakugou's stomach, knocking the wind out of him.

Everyone in the room gasped as Bakugou panted.

"Fuck you." He managed to say once he regained his breath.

Deku smiled, stepping back and looking at the camera, eyes bright as ever in the worst way,

"Do I have your attention? All eyes on me?"

He surged his borrowed power throughout his body, however, the sparks were now a darker shade than they were before.

"You see Kachann, you can no longer look down on me, and kick me below you, I've changed.. you hear me?!"

With this, Bakugou looked up, receiving an empowered punch to the face, Deku's whole arm glinting a fierce green all the while.

Deku started to laugh maniacally as he continued to barrage Bakugou with attacks.

For once he paused, tears rolled down my cheeks, feeling helpless just watching and not being able to do anything.

With my hand to my mouth in shock, I felt a looming presence behind me, and suddenly, I felt myself being submerged in something, my words got caught in my throat, stopping me from moving or screaming.

The only one that couldn't look at the screen was Kirishima, he caught me in his vision and quickly yelled my name as Aizawa plunged into action, but by then it was already too late. The only thing left behind were the tears that stained my desk. Ironically I almost wished to be taken, somewhere where I didn't have to face all this. However, I was thrust into the same exact situation I was trying to avoid, I opened my eyes to see Bakugou on the left staring at me in disbelief, and Deku on the right wearing a disordered smile. I felt a hand on my shoulder, looking to my side I saw that it was gloved, my teleportation could only be the work of Mr. Compress, the teleportation villain with his signature red gloves that now rested on my shoulder.

I looked at the cameras, only imagining what my friends were about to see.

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