Chapter 4

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Jennie didn't ask why Lisa would want McDonald's and just bought it for her the next day. Jisoo saw her carrying a plastic bag of McDonald's.

"Saving it for a snack?" Jisoo curiously asked.

"No, it's for Lisa. She asked me to buy it for her." Jennie answered.

"Wow, you two are interesting." Jisoo chuckled as she was organizing her things on her desk.

"What's even interesting about us?" Jennie playfully rolled her eyes as she get the key from the drawer of her desk.

"I don't know, don't mind me." Jisoo chuckled as she shook her head dismissively. Jennie just shook her head as well and then headed out of the office.

"I'll go ahead." Jennie announced and Jisoo just waved her hand goodbye to her.

Jennie was already getting used to the painful screams from every direction. It was different from the asylum that she used to work in because it was more peaceful and bearable, to say the least. When she finally reached the room, she unlocked it and entered the room, slowly closing the door so it wouldn't make any noise. She turned her head to the bed and was surprised to see that Lisa was still asleep. It was already 9 in the morning and Lisa should already be awake at this hour. Jennie suddenly became worried, was Lisa sick? She put the plastic bag on the table before approaching the side of the bed to check Lisa's temperature. But Lisa's temperature seemed normal and Jennie was sure she was still breathing. Jennie sat on the floor as she observed Lisa. She hadn't seen Lisa this close, this peaceful. She realized she was beautiful. She admired how Lisa's long eyelashes complemented her dark eyes. Her eyes landed on Lisa's perfect nose, and then...her plump lips. Wait, what? Jennie shook her head as she mentally laughed at herself for even looking at Lisa. How could someone like her be in this nasty place? How could a sane person kill someone who perhaps mattered to her, who helped her? Lisa was indeed a mystery.

In the middle of Jennie's thoughts, she saw how Lisa's peaceful features changed. Lisa's breathing turned heavy as her brows were beginning to furrow. Jennie stood up in shock and also panic as she watched what was happening to Lisa. Lisa shift her position as her breathing turned into panting. Jennie didn't know what to do and the only thing she could think of was to wake her. She slightly shook Lisa hoping that she would wake up.

"Lisa? Lisa, wake up." Jennie said as she continued to shake Lisa. Gladly, it worked. Lisa flung her eyes open as she catch her breath and Jennie sighed in relief. "Are you okay? Nightmare?" Jennie asked as she helped Lisa to sit up.

"You're...early today." Lisa said as she was still catching her breath.

"No, you woke up late." Jennie softly chuckled and went to get McDonald's on the table. "Anyway, here's what you asked me to get you. But uh...I don't think the fries are still as crispy. The nearest McDonald's was a one-hour drive from here." Jennie sheepishly said. "Do you want to eat it?" Lisa just nodded but her mind seemed to be elsewhere. Jennie tore the ketchup to put a small amount on the fry and then brought it to Lisa's lips, but Lisa didn't open her mouth. "Uh, Lisa?" Jennie called, waving the fry in front of Lisa a little to notice her.

"Yeah?" Lisa responded, finally looking at Jennie.

" you want to eat?" Jennie brought the fry down.

"I'm sorry." Lisa averted her gaze.

"What for?" Jennie confusedly asked.

"Nothing. Never mind." Lisa shook her head. "I asked you to buy me McDonald's so you could eat it yourself. Consider it a reward for losing." Jennie raised an eyebrow and chuckled.

"Wow, should I be thankful then?" She said then she ate the fry she was holding.

"You're welcome." Lisa smirked.

"The only reward I would consider is if we became friends." Jennie said, taking another bite of the fries.

"Try harder." Lisa challenged.

"So that means there's a possibility that we could be friends if I did try harder?" It was now Jennie's turn to smirk.

"I'm not saying anything."

"Yeah, sure." Jennie mockingly said and picked up a fry and feed it to Lisa, but the latter refused to open her mouth. "Come on, I know it's been a while since you've eaten something good." Lisa sighed in defeat and opened her mouth. "You can have my reward then. You need it more than I do." Jennie smiled and Lisa's features softened by her smile which Jennie noticed. Jennie continued feeding Lisa while trying to keep the conversation going. "So tell me about your parents."

"I don't have one." Lisa answered and Jennie mentally jumped triumphantly when she answered her question without needing to win another damned game.

"So how did you get in here?" Jennie asked even though she already knew how.

"You're asking too much again." Lisa said and Jennie's mini victory party in her head was ended by that remark.

"Actually, I'm an orphan too." Jennie shared, thinking that maybe if she started to share, maybe Lisa would give something in return. "I grew up in an orphanage and never really got adopted. I had to move out when I was 16 because they said I was too old to get adopted. I never knew my parents but there's no reason in finding out who they are. They probably didn't want me in the first place so why would I?" Jennie sighed and sadly smiled. "But I'm not mad at them. I wouldn't be what I am today because of them. I'm happy, yes. Happy yet incomplete. But it's okay. I may be incomplete but that doesn't mean I'm incapable of making anyone complete." Jennie said and Lisa was just listening to her intently. "Wow, I've never told anyone about this because nobody really cares." She chuckled. "Well, I'm sorry if I forced you to listen to me."

"It was perfect with those fries, it's like I'm watching a movie." Lisa said and Jennie laughed.

"And you're making jokes now. That's new." Jennie joked. "But thanks for listening." She smiled. "So what therapy were you doing in the past?"

"Nothing necessary to fix me." Lisa answered. "And you should know you can't and won't fix me." Jennie unwrapped the cheeseburger and fed it to her. 

"So it's been five years since you got here, huh?" Jennie asked and Lisa just nodded as she swallowed the food. "Well, what was your favorite spot here when you're not locked up?"

"There's a mini garden here where some of the patients practice some basic yoga which is part of some of their therapy." Lisa said before Jennie continued to feed her.

"So you do yoga?"

"I don't. It's ridiculous." Lisa said after she swallowed.

"The other nurses are actually surprised that you're engaging in a conversation with me." Jennie chuckled. "Why don't you talk to them?"

"Because they wouldn't talk to me in the first place." Lisa answered and Jennie just nodded in understanding. Right, why would someone try to have a conversation with a murderer? "You're afraid of me, aren't you?" Jennie lifted her gaze to meet hers.

"It's my job to be brave."

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