Chapter 10 [M/TW]

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Jennie couldn't believe what just happened. Lisa just kissed her. Did that mean anything? Did that mean Lisa liked her too?

"You're crazy." Jennie breathed as took a look at Lisa.

"Maybe I am." Lisa smiled. "You matter to me." Jennie chuckled.

"Those were my words, couldn't you be more creative?" Jennie teased.

"I like you." Lisa softly said. "Stay?"

Jennie sighed as she took a step back as she put her hands on Lisa's shoulder. "Why would I even leave? I'm not going anywhere." She chuckled. "I'll just return the first aid kit and I'll be right back, okay?" Jennie assuredly said and Lisa just nodded in defeat.

Jennie couldn't feel her face from smiling too much as she closed the door. Lisa just told her she liked her. Lisa liked her! But she shouldn't forget her aim to know Lisa's past. It was her main goal anyway.

Her smile was still plastered on her face as she returned the first aid kit inside the medicine cabinet at the office when Jisoo walked in and saw Jennie.

"Hey, how's Lisa? I heard she..." Jisoo stopped in the middle of her sentence when she saw Jennie's smile as she closed the medicine cabinet. "Whoa whoa, are happy because Lisa hurt herself?"

"What? No." Jennie dismissively said as she chuckled.

"Then tell me why are you smiling like an idiot? Was it because your new patient was really handsome?" Jisoo teased.

"He's got looks but..." Jennie flashed her gummy smile again. "Lisa told me she likes me." She said and she felt the butterflies in her stomach were going to explode, she wanted to feel Lisa's soft lips on hers again.

"What?!" Jisoo whispered-shouted and she gasped. "Wow, I didn't know someone who's heartless enough to kill someone would fall in love." Jisoo intriguingly said. "But with that being said, I'm kind of scared for you. I mean what if—"

"She will never. I trust her." Jennie smiled.

"So you really do like her, don't you?" Jisoo teased.

"So what if I do?" Jennie lightheartedly said. "But please keep this a secret, okay?"

"Roger that. Your secret is safe with me." Jisoo winked.

"I'll go ahead." Jennie said with a smile and started walking out of the office.

"Don't do nasty things!"

"I'm a decent woman for God's sake!" Jennie yelled back as she laughed.

Jennie had never felt so excited opening Lisa's door. She wanted to hold her. She wanted to kiss her. Once she unlocked and opened the door, she was welcomed and surprised by Lisa's lips crashing against hers as the latter's hands started to wander on Jennie's torso, pulling her closer. She felt the adrenaline rush running through her system, she missed Lisa's lips so much even though they just kissed a while ago. But Jennie broke the kiss and inhaled some air. She reminded herself about her goal.

"What?" Lisa asked in confusion and Jennie closed the door behind her.

"Why are you doing this?" Jennie asked.

"So you could stay."

"Again, I'm not going anywhere." Jennie softly smiled.

"Don't see that man again. I don't like him." Lisa said in a serious tone and walked to the edge of her bed to sit. Jennie followed her and sat across her.

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