Chapter 6

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"Um, I'm not sure about that. After I feed you my shift is done for today." Jennie said, feeling sorry for Lisa.

"Right." Lisa sighed as she went back to staring outside.

"You can tell me everything, you know. It'll be a secret between you and me. That's a promise." Jennie hopefully said. "Come on, eat your dinner." Jennie said as she lifted the spoon.

"I don't want to eat. Leave me alone." Lisa said, being her usual cold self.

"I won't leave unless you finish eating your dinner." Jennie sternly said. Lisa sighed and lay in her bed, ignoring Jennie and facing the direction where she wouldn't see Jennie. A crease formed on Jennie's forehead, Lisa was being difficult to handle and it was making her frustrated and impatient. Jennie sighed and put the spoon down, standing up and leaving the room without saying a word.

When Lisa heard the door click when Jennie locked the door, she turned her head to the door and sighed. She had so many things on her mind and the heavy rain wasn't helping her to calm her mind down. If only her most trusted person was there to tell her everything would be fine. A loud thunder was released from the angry clouds after a flash of blinding lightning and Lisa shut her eyes in fear. She was not really afraid of the thunderstorm. It's just that it reminded her of something she didn't want to remember. Every time it would rain heavily, it would trigger her mind to flash memories she didn't want to see. 

Everything seemed to be quiet, even the heavy rain was slowly turning into a drizzle. Lisa was thankful that her mind could finally be at ease. Everyone seemed to be asleep now but Lisa couldn't, it's been a long time since she slept with an empty stomach and it was really hard. She just tried to ignore her hunger and closed her eyes to sleep. But she heard the door click and that made her turn her head in that direction, she saw Jennie with plastic bags in her hand. The latter looked at Lisa and gave her a small smile as she walked closer to her and sat on the chair.

"I thought your shift is over." Lisa said and sat up.

"I haven't fed you so my shift is not over." Jennie said.

"They let you stay because of that simple task you didn't fulfill?"

"It's my choice. You're my responsibility anyway." Jennie smiled and Lisa got drawn into her smile without Jennie knowing. There was something in her smile that Lisa found, it was full of hope that she wished she also had. "I really haven't eaten yet so will you eat with me?" Jennie asked and Lisa just stared at her, seemed a little bit lost in her thoughts. Jennie chuckled and stood up to untangle Lisa's sleeves.

"I told you, I'm not eating." Lisa said while Jennie was untangling her sleeves and the latter stopped when Lisa's stomach growled.

"You're really bad at lying, aren't you?" Jennie teased and went back to the chair after untangling Lisa's sleeves and she gave Lisa her food and chopstick. "Come on, I won't take no for an answer." Jennie said when Lisa just looked at the food.

Lisa hesitantly picked up the chopstick and started eating in silence. Jennie sighed in relief when she saw Lisa begin to eat and she started eating as well. When they were done eating, Jennie gave Lisa a tissue to clean herself and gave her a bottle of water.

"You don't have to do this." Lisa said after she drank the water.

"I don't really mind spending for you." Jennie softly chuckled. "How was the food?"

"Great." Lisa hesitantly said and if she was being honest, it was more than great. Even better than the McDonald's Jennie bought for her.

"Do you also happen to see...ghosts?" Jennie asked and Lisa didn't expect her to ask such a question. Why would Jennie even ask stupid questions like that?

"What made you think I can see ghosts?" Lisa asked.

"The way you were looking outside the window when it was still raining was something. I just thought you could see something that I couldn't." Jennie said. "And...why did you ask me to stay here? Was it because you're just afraid of the thunder?"

"Aren't you going to tie these back?" Lisa asked as she lifted her sleeves, changing the subject.

"No, I'll let you have your freedom for tonight." Jennie smiled. 

"You're making a mistake for not tying these." Lisa mumbled but just enough for Jennie to hear.

"What, it's not like you're going to kill me or something." Jennie jokingly said as she chuckled.

"You should be afraid of me because I can do that." Lisa said in a low voice and Jennie then remembered that Lisa did kill someone, and that was her nurse before. She got scared but she should show Lisa she wasn't afraid. In fact, she wasn't as scared anymore.

"I'm not afraid if you'd do that to me. I have no one waiting for me if I die anyway." Jennie said and Lisa was surprised by her answer.

"You're crazy." Lisa shook her head and lied in her bed and Jennie just chuckled. 

"See you tomorrow, goodnight." Jennie stood up and it began to rain heavily again, causing Lisa to turn her head at the window and her breath started to become heavy as well. Jennie noticed that and went back to her seat. "Are you okay?" Jennie asked and Lisa looked at her.

"Y-yeah. I'm fine. See you tomorrow." Lisa said and she curled into a ball, her back facing Jennie.

"Are you sure?" Jennie asked and as if on cue, the two got startled by the loud thunder.

"Y-yes." Lisa said as her voice shakes.

"Here we go again with the lying." Jennie said as she sighed. "I'll stay for you until the rain subsided, okay?"

Lisa didn't object or even say anything to Jennie and just let her stay. Jennie didn't know how to comfort Lisa, she had to think of something and not just watch the patient shivering in fear.

"H-hey, it's okay. It'll be over soon." Jennie said as she hesitantly brushed her hand on Lisa's head soothingly. It seemed effective, Lisa began to relax at the contact. "It must have been really hard for you every time it rains." Jennie said. "You know what I'm afraid of?" Lisa turned to her with a questioning look. "I'm afraid of getting lost. I was a lost kid with a lot of questions in my head once. I was lost that I didn't know where to even begin. I've come a long way to be what I am today and if I ever get lost again, then it would feel like being a kid again." Jennie softly chuckled. "I had to be strong and tell myself everyday that it's okay to look back or move forward as long as I know where I'm going." She shared and she started to yawn, Lisa noticed it.

"I'll be fine, you can leave now." Lisa said.

"I'll leave when you're asleep." Jennie softly smiled. 

"I can't sleep when someone is watching me."

"Just pretend that I'm not here." Jennie insisted.

Since Lisa couldn't push Jennie away, she just laid down and closed her eyes. She had been having trouble sleeping because of something that bothers her. Chaeyoung was always on her mind for some reason and it seemed impossible to just forget about her. But for the first time, Lisa fell asleep in peace. But something woke her up in the middle of the night, she remembered Jennie was in her room. She sat up quietly and noticed that the sky was peaceful again and she sighed in relief. She turned her head and she was surprised to see Jennie was still there, her head buried on the table while letting out soft snores. Lisa chuckled at the sight of her. She stood up and got her unused blanket and laid it on Jennie's shoulders. She saw that Jennie's hair was covering her face and she removed it carefully so she could take a better look at her face.

"I admire your bravery, Jennie." Lisa said and smiled as she shook her head.

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