Chapter 18

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Jennie opened her eyes with the feeling of ease without waking up to snooze her alarm early in the morning. If she was being honest, she could stay in bed all day and not think about everything. It's been a while since she felt relaxed and it felt great. Everything was peaceful. Busying herself by doing chores helped her to at least worry less about Lisa. Maybe she made the right decision to take a break.

As Jennie was dusting off her window sill, she heard her phone ringing in her room. She stopped cleaning to get her phone and sat on her bed before she answered the call. Jennie was about to open her mouth to greet the caller but the latter spoke first.

"So you're really serious about being gone for a while huh?" Jisoo said on the other line.

"Why would I even joke about it?" Jennie lightheartedly chuckled.

"You want to go for a drink later tonight? And you know, talk about some things maybe?" Jisoo suggested.

"Don't bother, I'd rather sleep than drink. I seriously need it than wasting my life."

"Aish, you know what, I'll just pay you a visit so you better prepare a little something." Jisoo dismissively said.


"It's not like you can even do anything to stop me." Jisoo chuckled. "But really and seriously though, seeing you bothered makes me bothered as well. You're like a little sister to me, I wish I could do something to help you feel less bothered." Jisoo sighed.

"Don't worry, I'll be fine." Jennie said.

"So you really are not fine." Jisoo said and paused for a second. "Mr. Choi almost caught me using my phone while on duty." Jisoo quietly said. "But wait, does Lisa know you're not coming today?"

"She was asleep when I checked on her last night. But tell her I'm out for a short vacation if she asked where I am."

"Fine." Jisoo sighed. "I'm going to go now."

"Alright. Take care." Jennie said and hung up.


After Jisoo had finished talking with Jennie on the phone, she hid it in her bag and took a deep breath before walking to Lisa's room. Now she had to think how she could tell Lisa why Jennie was gone for a while, praying that Lisa would be on her best behavior even if Jennie wasn't there. Jennie was the only one who could understand Lisa after all, so it was going to be a challenge for Jisoo.

She stopped in her tracks when she finally reached Lisa's door. She took a deep breath again before unlocking the door. Jisoo saw Lisa sitting on the edge of her bed, her eyes looking outside the window. She knocked lightly on the door before speaking up.

"Hi." Jisoo nicely said when Lisa turned her head to her.

"Hi." Lisa said back unenthusiastically and went back to staring outside.

Jisoo furrowed her brows. Lisa knew Jennie was not coming? How?

"Um, how are you?" Jisoo managed to ask and she sat across from Lisa.

"Good." Lisa shortly answered, not meeting Jisoo's eyes and the latter furrowed her brows when she saw Lisa's eyes. It was kind of puffy and her nose was kind of red.

"Wait, did something happen?" Jisoo asked and she saw how Lisa's eyes began to fill with tears.

"I'm sorry." Lisa said.

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