Chapter 15

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Jennie had been talking nonstop about her happy childhood but Lisa's mind seemed to be elsewhere. Lisa was staring blankly and looked like she was in deep thought. Jennie sighed and put her hand on Lisa's knee.

"Lisa?" Jennie called and Lisa slowly looked at her with a blank expression but her eyes screamed sadness and doubt. "Something bothering you?" She asked and Lisa just sighed and stayed silent. "Hey, I thought you promised to always tell me your thoughts. Don't you trust me?"

"I just can't forget about something that I did." Lisa mumbled as she looked away from Jennie.

"Did what? Or perhaps...did to whom? Is it...Chaeyoung? Do you still feel guilty about that?" Jennie cautiously asked and Lisa shook her head slowly.

"I kept remembering the time I pushed you when I got mad at Jungkook."

"Lisa, again it's nothing. I'm safe, thanks to you." Jennie smiled but Lisa's expression didn't change and Jennie sighed again. "You're making me worried, you know. Just tell me what you want to say."

"I don't know what's happening to me, but I think being in here affected me—it changed me. The worst kind of change." Lisa confessed. "I can't control my anger. I wasn't like this. This is not me." Lisa sighed and fixated her gaze on Jennie. "Can you help me?"

"I'm not sure...what kind of help do you need?" Jennie hesitantly said.

"Just do anything to make me better. I don't want to hurt you. I don't want to live with guilt." Lisa begged with pleading eyes.

"I'll try— No, I mean I will do my best." Jennie smiled.

"I'm sorry, I wasn't listening to you earlier but what were you saying?"

"Hmm, actually I'm going to get something. Wait here okay? I'll be right back." Jennie said with a giggle and she stood up, leaving Lisa with a confused look.

It took Jennie almost half an hour before she could get back to Lisa's room. She opened the door right away and Lisa gave her a surprised look when she saw Jennie holding three balloons filled with helium. Lisa couldn't help but chuckle at the sight of her.

"Is it your birthday or something?" Lisa asked as she chuckled.

"No, but I think this would be fun." Jennie giggled and tied the other two balloons on the chair, she opened the other one and then she inhaled the helium, she then faced Lisa with a blank expression. "Did you know that you can't angrily say bubbles?" Jennie said and Lisa broke into a smile because of Jennie's squeaky voice. Jennie inhaled another helium from the balloon. "Like seriously. Bubbles!" Jennie tried to sound as angry as possible with a pouty expression and Lisa laughed as she shook her head. "See? It's impossible." Jennie chuckled.

"What are you up to?" Lisa asked as her laughter died down.

"I want to make you smile." Jennie simply answered and she showed her gummy smile.

"Guess what, you're doing a great job." Lisa smiled and Jennie heaved a sigh.

"Lisa, do you mind me asking why Chaeyoung had to let you stay here for a little longer when she can actually let you stay with her where she's staying?" Jennie asked and Lisa's expression changed. "You don't have to answer if you're not comfortable. I was just curious." Jennie quickly added.

"Well, she once told me she was poor and living alone and could only provide for herself. She said she was living in a small apartment and it was the cheapest one that she could find and afford. If I lived with her, then we'd be hungry. Staying here was the only option she had. No one would hire me because I didn't get to finish school. My parents died when our house caught fire. Everything we had turned into ashes. It was only me who survived but our relatives didn't even help me." Lisa sighed. "And so ever since then, I had to deal with everything alone. I lived in the streets. I learned to steal things to survive. I got beaten up when I was once caught stealing. My life has been miserable ever since.„ Lisa shared as she sadly smiled. Jennie inhaled all the helium left in the balloon and patted Lisa's back.

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