#96 (Mourning You.)

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I'm glad I stayed up late,
I got to say goodbye.

You told me not to mourn you,
But how can't I?
I really cared about you,
So I can't just refuse to mourn you.
That would be wrong.
I'm going to keep you in my heart,
Just as I promised.

You put up with my stupidity.
I don't know if you found it cute,
Or bothersome.
I'll never know the answer.

I hope they made you happy,
My little buddies,
Made of punctuation and symbols.
I made them up from our conversations,
With the hope of giving you,
Even the smallest of smiles.

You were special,
Even if you didn't feel like it.
You meant something,
Even if you didn't think that.

I hope you're free of pain now.
Please, rest in peace.


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