#175 (I Need You.)

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I'm so close,
Yet I'm so far away.

It's trying to take over,
The emotions are crawling,
Scratching and scarring,
Rather than flowing freely,
And it makes me want to stop,
And start something dark.

I'm finally going to lose it,
My head won't stop whirring,
With panic and sadness.
My heart won't stop thudding,
Blood flooding with adrenaline,
With what I want to do what I shouldn't,
To my pale skin.

"Don't leave me."
"I need you here."
"I might not go on without you."
All words I've wanted to utter,
Not once have I mentioned it.
You know who you are,
The sentences above,
That is what I've always wanted to say.

I don't think you know,
How many times I've thought to try it,
Dipping my feet into the cold water,
Of a painful, powerful addiction.
I'm almost there,
It's bitter in my mind,
I could do that,
But should I? No.

You know what I'm talking about.
I keep saying,
I could never do that,
There are too many people I'd hurt,
But sometimes I get dangerously close,
The urge hanging over my delicate mind,
Underneath fleshed out dishonest words.

If this is me calling for you,
I want you to hear me.
I know,
We're all struggling,
With issues I dare not share,
For the sake of all of you.
These are ambiguous,
Because I dare not hurt any one of you.

Aside from that,
I need you to hear me,
I need you to talk to me,
To tell me that I'll be alright.
Sometimes you're words really help,
Other times I'm too certain you're lying.

I need someone to tell this to,
And I think you're my last hope.
I'm just too scared,
Of hurting you even further.

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