#118 (You've Got Support.)

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Your own mind is struggling,
Anxious by what's to come,
Whether it's a possibility,
Or a set certainty.

You're looking forward to it,
Seeing the people you care about,
All the good that could happen.
Those thoughts are crawling through your head,
Creating negatives in the positive,
Overriding the pleasantries,
That are yet to come.

Your mum doesn't quite understand,
However you think she at least believes you.
At least it's some kind of start.

Your dad, he believes you,
He understands you,
He is supporting you.
He's willing to help you.

That's all I could hope for from him.

You've got us,
You're friends.
We're going to be that circle around you,
Holding on to you,
Adding support,
As we all know that you need as much as you can get.

Let's hope this goes well,
That's the only wish I could have.

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