Day 3: Pillow fort

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Keith walked into his and Lance's apartment and nearly dropped the groceries he was holding. There was a giant mountain of pillows, blankets, and snacks in front of the tv.

"Lance, what the hell is this?" Keith asked as a familiar Cuban popped out of the fort with their two dogs, Red and Blue.

"Oh, hi, honey." Lance spoke, chocolate staining his lips. Keith put down the groceries and just liked at Lance.

"What have you done all day?" Keith frowned. Lance stood up and presented his fort to Keith.

"I present to you, La almohada fuerte de Keith y Lance!" Lance smirked. Keith cocked his head.

"La almo-what-now?" Keith asked confused. Lance sighed.

"The pillow fort of Keith and Lance. That's literally what it means." Lance spoke as Red ran to Keith. Keith laughed and pet Red.

"Hey, buddy! How's it going?" He asked playfully. Red just continued playing with Keith.

"Hey, Keith do you wanna do a movie marathon?" Lance asked.

"What's the food situation?" Keith smirked. Lance shuffled and smirked.

"Only the best movie snacks ever. We got buttered popcorn, twizzlers, junior mints for you, pringles - sour cream and onion for you and then plain for me -, M & M's, and Muddy Buddies that I made before." Lance smiled. Keith hummed and nodded.

"Well played, McClain. Using my favorite foods to get me to snuggle with you and watch your corny movies." He smiled and laughed. Lance gasped dramatically.

"How dare you?! I thought you were my lover, but no! You dare defy my cuddles?! I'll show you!" Lance smirked as he grabbed Keith by his waist and carried him to the fort.

"Ah! Lance! Nooo! You won't draw me in with your warm cuddles!" Keith laughed as Lance put Keith on the floor and pinned him down.

"Well, well. Looks like I win." Lance smirked as he kissed Keith deeply. Keith moaned softly as Lance kissed him. Lance's lips tasted sweet like chocolate, but buttery like popcorn. The two continued kissing each other deeply and Lance eventually took off his and Keith's shirts, throwing them across the fort. Keith moaned again as Lance rubbed his hands up and down Keith's chest and body, not hesitating to start pulling down Keith's jeans, but Keith slapped his hands.

"Not now, baby doll. Save it for after the movie." Keith smirked as he kissed Lance one last time before flipping them so Keith was resting on top of Lance's chest. Lance laughed.

"Aww, come on, baby, that isn't fair!" He laughed.


Lance looked down after the movie, seeing his boyfriend asleep in his arms. Lance smiled and stroked Keith's hair, kissing the top of his head gently. "Sweet dreams, mi amor."

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