Part Five.

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Hermione rushed down to the Great Hall. She pushed through the crowds of students heading back from breakfast. She ran into the Great Hall. "Harry!" She cried. He looked up from his conversation with Draco, his laughter dying when he saw her expression. "He's back." Harry's eyes turned stony. He murmured something to Draco who frowned. She heard him say "Want me to come?". Harry shook his head. He stood up, the Gryffindors at the table staring at him as he left. Draco gazed after them worriedly. It had been a week since Ron had left and he and Harry had gotten closer. They spent their days together, and everyone had become used to seeing them having conversations in the strangest of places. In the stands out at the Quidditch pitch, behind a tapestry on the fourth floor, in the nook of a window. Even Cho admitted to herself that they looked good together and were good for each other. Draco had become kinder (as kind as he could be towards Gryffindors) and Harry was way more cheerful than anyone had ever seen him outside of the Quidditch pitch. Only Ron hadn't seen the two.

Hermione and Harry hurried through the corridors in silence. Harry was lost in thought. What is he going to say? What if he blows up like last time? Or worse, what if he just ignores me? He sped up his pace unknowingly and Hermione had to quicken her steps to keep up with him. He burst through the portrait hole, Hermione scrambling after him. Ron and Harry stood staring at each other from opposite ends of the common room. Dean and Seamus sat in the armchairs by the fire and Ginny sat curled up at one of the tables with Crookshanks in her lap. The two boys stared at each other wordlessly. "So. You're back." Harry broke the heavy silence. Ron sneered slightly. "It is school tomorrow." He said courtly. Harry stayed silent. Hermione watched from the sidelines, ready to intervene if needed. "Still with Malfoy? Or have you come to your senses?" Harry took a sharp breath. He met Ron's withering gaze evenly. "I'm still with him." He said calmly. Ron sneered. "I'd hoped you'd finally realize that what you're doing is ridiculous but obviously not." Harry balled his fists. "And I'd hoped you'd realise what a prat you're being. But obviously not." Harry retorted. His heart was hammering and he felt like he was drowning under inky black waves but he tried to fight to keep his head above the water.

Ron laughed cruelly. "That's rich, coming from the one who's dating the biggest prat in the castle. Oh wait, sorry, you haven't shacked up with Snape. Yet." Harry took deep breaths. "Ron, come on. Don't go off again." He almost pleaded. Ron didn't hide the fury in his eyes. "Break up with him and I'll stay." Harry felt breathless. His chest was tight and constricted. "Don't make me choose." He whispered. Ron snorted. "It's me or him. " "Ron..." Hermione started. He glared at her and she shut up. "Don't start. Go running to Krum." He growled. He eyed Harry distastefully. "Well?" He demanded. "Ron...I, I can't choose. It's not fair." Ron looked almost disappointed for a moment. "I see how it is." He turned around and put his foot on the first step of the boy's stairs. He looked over his shoulder and narrowed his eyes. "Don't talk to me. We're not friends anymore." He faced forward and went up the stairs.

Harry stared after him. He gasped. His breath came short and raggedly. Everyone leaves. Mum. Dad. Ron. Why does everyone leave? He slumped to the floor, deaf to Hermione's worried questions. His head was spinning and he felt dizzy. The waves crashed over him again and again and again and he was drowning. He was drowning and he doesn't think he'll make it out.

A/N: Well....that was an update. Hope you enjoyed! Comment and Vote and love meeeee.

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