Numero Uno!

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Harry excused himself from the Gryffindor table halfway through dinner. "To go take a bath" he had said. Instead, he was going to suck up his pride and take Diggory's advice. So, really, he was going to take a bath. But, being the idiot that he was, he didn't plan this and now had to go all the way back to the dormitory and then all the way to the Prefect bathroom then back to the dorms. He hurried down the corridors, hoping to get in and out of the dorms before people finished dinner. Being under the Invisibility Cloak had its perks but not in a crowd full of people, especially not when you're trying to go unnoticed. He had learned that in Honeydukes. The only sounds were his footsteps echoing around the halls. When another pair of footsteps joined his own, he didn't think anything of it. Ok, well, internally he groaned but he really wanted to get this over and done with.

"Potter!" This time, Harry groaned out loud. "What do you want Malfoy? I'm not in the mood for this." Draco quirked an eyebrow and leaned against a tapestry on the wall. "That's not a very nice greeting." He muttered. Harry rolled his eyes. "Since when have we been nice to each other?" "Touchè." An awkward and heavy silence descended over the two. Draco seemed to be internally debating something. One moment he's frowning, another he looks to be contemplating something then he's frowning and shaking his head. A lot of emotions danced across his usually impassive features. Of course, Harry being a clueless, emotionally blind cinnamon roll, he didn't see any of this. He kept his eyes riveted on the tapestry, just above Draco's head. It was a lovely tapestry of a nice, um, beheading. Yes, a wonderful tapestry.

"Potter...." Draco began. Then stopped. "Potter I have a...." He tried again. Harry sighed. "Malfoy, I have a lot of things to do. Spit out the insult and we can move on." He said tiredly. Draco huffed. "Why must it always be an insult I say to you?" He snapped. "Am I that incapable of being..... nice?" Harry raised his eyebrows in disbelief. "You weren't even nice to me when you asked me to be your friend!" Draco raised his hand, offended. "I will have you know, I was nice to you. It was the Weasel I wasn't nice to." He corrected. "So?" Harry frowned, daring Draco to say something else. "So, you're wrong. As usual." Harry growled and threw up his hands. "Whatever Malfoy. I'm leaving. Bugger off, you prat." Harry turned around and stormed off, leaving Draco standing there. Draco sighed and ran a hand through his hair. "Well, that's not how that was supposed to go." He murmured.

Harry reached the portrait hole, still annoyed and barked the password at the Fat Lady. She gasped, affronted. "How dare you? Rude! People are so rude these days!" Harry rolled his eyes at her antics. "Just open will you?!" She swung open, still rambling on about young people having no respect for portraits nowadays. He stomped through the common room and kneeled beside his trunk. He yanked out the Marauders Map, the egg and, gently, took out the Invisibility Cloak. Still grumbling to himself, he threw on the cloak, adjusted the egg underneath his arm and tapped the map. "I solemnly swear I am up to no good." He surveyed the map. Mrs. Noris was prowling around the second floor and everyone ( except Malfoy ) was still in the Great Hall. He nodded and strode out of the dorms.

As he made his way to the Prefect's bathroom, he found Draco wandering around near where they had spoken. He was muttering to himself and gesturing. "No. That's not going to work. Hey, I like you, go to the Yule Ball with me? Well..... it's certainly simpler to do it that way. Not much pizzazz though, is it?" Harry raised an eyebrow. Malfoy was planning to ask someone to the Yule Ball? I wonder who the poor girl is? She'll probably be traumatised for life..... Harry refrained from kicking Malfoy in the shins and continued on. Although he did flick him in the back of the head. Draco spun around, eyes wide. "Who's there?" He demanded into the empty corridor. He looked around for the perpetrator but Harry had already ran off. He has stuff to do after all.
Harry climbed out of the bath, making 100% sure that Myrtle wasn't looking. He was still reeling from the revelation that he had to encounter mermaids. In the lake. He was completely out of his depth. People probably already knew about it though. Rumors were probably trickling through the school already.
He pulled on the Invisibility Cloak and walked out of the bathroom, leaving behind a disappointed Myrtle. He made his way through the corridors, keeping one eye on the map for Filch. He was still in a daze and couldn't stop repeating mermaids in his mind. I mean, mermaids! Why mermaids? Why not unicorns? Or even Hippogriffs. He'd take a Hippogriff over mermaids any day. And how deep down to the mermaids live? Harry was drowning in his thoughts. So much so that he forgot about the vanishing step and fell through it.

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