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Sorry for the long wait guys! Life has gotten busy again (and I sort of accidentally neglected this fic sorry lol). And by busy I mean shit. XD School is back *cue me face planting into my bed when I get home and SCREAMING IN DESPAIR. Ahem. Hope you enjoy! Please comment and vote. Thank you for all the views y'all, LOVE YOOOOOOUUUU!

"Ok, that's it!" "Hermione, ow! Stop! Jeez, will you-ow stop!" Harry winced at the throbbing pain in his ear. Hermione tugged on it again sharply. "OW!" Her lips were pressed into a thin disapproving line as she tugged forcefully. "Hermione!" She let go of his ear finally and Harry collapsed onto the hard ground, staring at her reproachfully and holding his ear. "Owwwww." He whimpered. Hermione rolled her eyes. "You." She pointed her finger at him in a very McGonagall manner. "Need to keep out of that room, go to school and stop moping!" She commanded fiercely. Harry pouted and fell back onto the ground. "But Miooooooone." He whined. "No." He rolled onto his stomach. "Mioooooooooone." He groaned. "No! You need your education. And you're making Draco mopey too, which I can't deal with anymore! So get up, and go give your boyfriend a hug." Harry grumbled as if the shrieked command was the worst thing ever inflicted upon him.

Nevertheless, he stood up and shuffled over to the couch beside the fireplace in which Draco was sitting. Draco closed his book when Harry flopped onto his lap. "Mione dragged me out of your room by the ear." He complained. His words were muffled by Draco's chest but Draco understood him. You can't be Harry's boyfriend without understanding muffled speech. "It's only fair love." He said as he ran his fingers through his floppy black hair. "You were in there for three days. And you missed two days of school." Harry sighed. He raised his head and looked lovingly into Draco's silver eyes. He wiggled till he was lounging on his back across the couch, his head in Draco's lap. "I know you're right. But I really don't want to have to see Ron again." Draco frowned, as he always did nowadays whenever Ron was mentioned. "I'm sure he misses you too. And soon will come to his senses and physically trample himself with a hippogriff for being such an ass. " The last part was said a bit too threateningly for Harry's liking.

He didn’t reply to Draco’s comment, which made a prick of worry jab Draco like a needle in a voodoo doll. He placed a hand on Harry’s cheek. “I’m sure it’ll be fine love.” Harry grinned up at him. “I’m sure it will be. If you kiss me.” Draco raised an eyebrow at him. “Demanding aren’t we?” “KIIIISSSSS ME!” Harry whined. Draco laughed and dragged him into a kiss. They both smiled into it until a pillow hit Draco in the back of the head. “Who the hell did that?!” He snapped, pissed off that someone dared interrupt his kissing time. Blaise scowled at him. “Get a room!” He yelled. Draco smirked at him. “We will.” He swept an embarrassed Harry into his arms and kicked his bedroom door closed. “Um. I’m going to go…..” Hermione announced into the silence.
No. This was not a good idea. Why did he decide to do this? Oh yes. Pain was inflicted upon him until he promised to go to school. Hmm. You know what’s a good idea? Going back to Draco’s room. He was sure he could convince Draco to kiss him. That would distract him, then it would be too late to go to school! Yes. That’s a good plan. Let’s implement the plan. Harry turned away from the Great Hall only to have Hermione grab him by the collar of his robes. He whirled around to pout at her.

“Hermiiiioooooneeeee.” He whined. “No.” She shook her head, hands on hips and eyes glaring daggers at him. “You’re going in and that’s that.” Harry almost stomped his foot. Trying to to be the mature student he should be but really isn’t, he steeled himself and walked into the Great Hall. And a meteor crashed into the room, sending bits of sharp jagged ceiling pieces flying, impaling students killing them instantly! No. It actually wasn’t as bad as he expected. The majority of the students didn’t even look at him. Only the boys from his year stared at him as he sat down, and most of them were sending apologetic smiles his way.

Across the hall, Harry met Draco’s encouraging gaze. It was only when Hermione gasped that he looked away. “What’s wrong?” he asked, frowning. Hermione looked up from the Daily Prophet with a strangled hum, casually edging it onto her lap, coincidentally hiding the front page. “Hermione.” Harry warned with a knifes edge to his voice. “Give me the newspaper.” She nodded uneasily then shook it slowly. “Hermione.” She pushed the newspaper over to him at a snail’s pace, before he snatched it off her with an exasperated sigh. He rolled his eyes as he unfolded it. Honestly. What could be so bad as to do that? Oh. Oh dear. That’s why. Emblazoned on the front page, with a moving photo occupying the entire A4 page, was the title Has The Champion Won In Love? Beneath the ridiculously over large heading was a picture of Draco and Harry. Kissing. The familiar background of the Slytherin common room was behind them but Harry didn’t really focus on that. Ridiculously, the first thought that sprang to mind was who needs a picture that size?! Hermione bit her lip as Harry’s expression changed multiple times in several seconds. “Harry? You ok?” He didn’t reply. He continued staring at the paper in horror, only putting it down when Hermione brought to his attention the fact that Hedwig had been standing in front of him for a while now.

He put the paper down, something which Hermione was extremely grateful for. She was beginning to fear that he was going catatonic. He untied the letter from her leg, hastily giving her a drink of his pumpkin juice and some cornflakes to apologise for making her wait. When he saw the muddy pawprint on the outside of the ripped paper, his heart stopped. Like, physically stopped. Can you get a heart attack at fourteen? Oh God, is his left arm tingling? He opened the letter slowly. A newspaper clipping fell out of it. Before reading Sirius' note, he picked up the newspaper, already dreading it’s contents. Strangely, it wasn’t the front page, but a written piece.

Harry Potter has found love with none other than ex nemesis Draco Malfoy! Witnesses report them hugging, kissing and often disappearing for lengths of time ; ). This young unexpected couple is adorable, and we all think so. But what about the family? We went straight to the source to find out. After being showed graciously into their magnificent home, I was abruptly shut down when I asked about the budding relationship. “No son of mine would date a non pureblood. This is just gossip, to fill these rags of yours!” commented Lucius Malfoy. Hmm, touchy subject? Narcissa Malfoy, mother of Draco Malfoy, said this, “My son has found love. I am proud of him and hope all goes well for him and the person he cares for.” Such motherly love. But, with the second task drawing near will Harry’s relationship stand up to the test and stay strong? Or will it crumble into nothing? Read pages 4,5,6 for more juicy gossip on this celebs love life.

Harry slowly put the newspaper clipping down and picked up Sirius' letter with trembling hands.


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