Nein. (Get it?)

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Well. This was a dilemma. Harry stared at Ron as he stood across from him in the entrance to the Owlery. The red head stared at him awkwardly, with his facial expression a mix between hatred, confusion and….constipation? Harry stepped forward, trying to get around him, not really up to seeing him right now. After the whole newspaper thing, and Sirius popping up, and now the fact that they would have to face Draco's parents, he wasn't up to dealing with Ron too. He tried to walk around him, and made it out into the cold early January air, almost able to walk away. "Harry?" Damn. Harry turned around, a hint of a sneer beginning to curl at his lips. "Yes?" He asked disinterestedly. Ron shuffled his feet. He kept his eyes trained on an owl flying near the tower. "I….I wanted to-I want to…." Harry rolled his eyes. "Spit it out Ronald." He drawled. "I'm sorry ok?!" Wait, what? Harry blinked at him in confusion. Repeatedly. Ron's face began to flush and he refused to look at him.

"Malfoy clearly likes you. And, well, you clearly like him. And his parents know and he hasn't broken up with you. He seems to make you happy." "Excellent observational skills." Harry commented scathingly. He probably should have been overjoyed at the fact that Ron was apologising. Should've been beaming and laughing and saying "It's all good, just be my friend again". But he wasn't like that. Because Ron was just so moody lately! With the start of the Tournament and him going off and now this and him going off, Harry was pissed off. Really pissed off.

Ron stared at the icy ground. "I'm sorry for being such a prat." He mumbled. Harry laughed humorlessly. "Finally come to your senses have you?" He questioned snidely. Ron's head snapped up and his mouth dropped open slightly. Harry scoffed and leaned against the cold icy wall of the tower steps. "I can't believe this." He shook his head. "What makes you think I can forgive you so easily?" Ron's mouth drifted closed, he frowned. "I thought I was being played? That I was an idiot for falling for Draco's ' act '. That I was shacking up with the biggest prat in the castle? Oh no wait, you said I hadn't shacked up with Snape. Yet." Harry spat out each word as he received them; with pain. His entire body was trembling with barely contained rage. In an effort to control himself he had balled his hands into fists but that didn't do anything to help, in fact, it only succeeded in him drawing blood as his nails dug into his palms. The trickles of blood dropped delicately onto the snow on the ground, staining it a bright red.

Ron seemed aghast and he stared at Harry pleadingly. "Please, I didn't mean any of it. None of that mate. You've got to believe me." He begged. Harry glared at him. For a moment, he could see himself giving in, he could see himself forgiving Ron and going about life as usual. But that moment was fleeting. "I'm sorry." He murmured. "You weren't there when I needed you. You pushed me away, you left and you hurt me. Not to sound like a girl, but you hurt my feelings. And what you said…..whether you meant them or not, you still said them and those words are hard to forgive." Ron shook his head. He raised a hand towards him. "Mate, come on, we're best friends." Harry sighed tiredly. "I thought we weren't friends." He stated, not asked, echoing Ron's words from days ago. Ron shook his head again in disbelief. "You don't mean that." He laughed in shock. Harry met his gaze full on. "But you did." He said quietly. Ron stared at him open mouthed. "You forced me to choose Ron. And that nearly broke me." He said simply and quietly. He turned to go, but cast a glance behind him once more. "I'm sorry." Ron stood on the steps of the tower, still agape and in disbelief as Harry walked away from him.

You know, Harry was really beginning to hate that tower. First Cho there, and now Ron? Geez tower, give him a break.

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