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"I...had fun." Harry said softly. He and Draco were walking to the Gryffindor Tower together. The Yule Ball had ended but, surprisingly, Harry didn't want the night to end. They had spent the night dancing and just having fun. Which, with Draco, was surprisingly awesome. And, on the whole, nothing happened. They had gotten a few strange looks but nobody actually said anything, except for Krum who had scoffed when he joined him, Draco and Hermione, holding drinks. He had scoffed and eyed the dancing crowd disdainfully. "At Durmstrang, ve haff many same sex couples. They are too old fashioned here." They reached the portrait of the Fat Lady much too soon for Harry's liking. "I had fun too." Draco grinned. The two faced each other, silent, as the seconds ticked by. Neither of them wanted to go. Harry didn't want to risk ruining the night but he had to ask. "Why did you ask me to the ball?"

Draco didn't reply straight away. When he did speak it was slow and thoughtful. "I guess I asked you because I finally wanted to do something I want to do. And not because I was told to." Harry blinked. "But, what about your father?" He had only met Lucius a few times, but the times they did meet weren't very, um, fun. Malfoy cocked his head to the side, thinking about it. "The worst he can do right now is strip me of the title as the Malfoy heir." His eyes met Harry's and they were hard and fierce. "But I don't think I want to be a Malfoy anymore, if being a Malfoy means being an asshole to people you care about." Harry smiled slightly. He stepped forward and straightened Draco's bowtie. "It doesn't have to be a choice. I think, you're strong enough to figure out a way to be you and be a Malfoy." He pressed a soft kiss to Draco's cheek and climbed through the portrait hole. He looked back to see Draco smiling at him as if in disbelief. "Goodnight Draco." He said and went in to the common room, the portrait hole closing shut behind him. "Goodnight, Harry." Draco murmured. "He can't hear you." The Fat Lady commented. "I know!" He snapped.

Inside the common room, Harry had walked in to a storm. A bad one.

"-with Krum?!" Ron yelled. "So what?!" Hermione shrieked indignantly. "I can go out with who I want!" "He's a pompous prick! Of course you can't go out with him!" She gasped furiously. "You do not get to tell me what I can and can't do Ronald Weasley!"

The two were screaming at each other from either side of the, thankfully, deserted common room. Harry watched on, shocked, at the shouting match taking place. They had had fights before but this.....this was something else. Harry could practically see their friendship splitting in two.

"You're fraternising with the enemy!" Hermione laughed incredulously. "Fraternising with the enemy?! The Triwizard Tournament is about forming friendships with other countries. Strengthening relationships between other countries!" Ron scoffed and glared at her. "Friendship? Pff, Krum doesn't want you for your friendship!" He spat out the words like venom. Hermione yelled in frustration. Her elegant bun was falling down, tendrils framing her face, and her dress had several creases, adding to her manic aura. "And you!" Ron exclaimed.

He had caught Harry in the act of trying to sneak around them to get to the stairs. Harry froze against the wall. "What the bloody hell is wrong with you?! Malfoy?!" Harry felt fear churn in his stomach. This was going to be worse than he thought. Ron's face was contorted in fury and the saying if looks could kill applied very much here. If they could kill, he and Hermione would most certainly have died a very violent death by now. "Out of all people, you had to pick Malfoy?! You told me your date was a girl!" Harry shook his head. "I never said my date was a girl." He said quietly. But Ron either didn't hear him or ignored him. He doesn't mean it, he's just angry at Hermione.

"First, Hermione goes off with Krum and now you, fucking the biggest prat in the castle!" Ron laughed humorlessly. Harry roughly shook his head. "No, we never- this was our first date!" He cried. Hermione, who had been watching aghast, strode forward. "Don't you dare turn on him Ronald Weasley!" She commanded icily. Ron spun around to her and jabbed his finger in Harry's direction. "You're ok with this?!" He demanded in disbelief. Hermione glared at him. "Of course I am! Why should I care that he's with a boy? Harry's happy with him!" "He could go out with a fucking hippogriff for all I care, even any other dude in this dorm! But not Draco Fucking Malfoy!" He cried. Hermione shrieked. "He makes him happy!"

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