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Harry paced up and down in the Room of Requirement. Draco had sent him a note in Herbology saying to meet him here, and he assumed it was about the newspaper article. He had been pacing in the room for fifteen minutes and if Draco doesn't show up in the next five minutes, he's going to go and fucking p- "Harry." "There you are." He sighed.

Draco strode over to him, kissing him softly on the lips. They broke off and Harry rested his forehead on Draco's. "What are we going to do?" He murmured. "You are going to do nothing." Draco said firmly. "I am going to write to my mother. She supports me, clearly, and then when it comes to my father....I've already told you. All he can do is renounce me as the Malfoy heir. And he's going to be reluctant to do that, because I'm their only child and the only one to carry on the bloodline." Harry frowned in concern. He didn't want his boyfriends life to be completely fucked just because of him. "But, the money and all that....your home!"

Draco smiled wryly. "My mother set up a bank account when I was a child. In case anything...happened. I have several million in there. And no one but me and her can access it." Harry gaped at him before scoffing. "Pff, yeah, well, tsh, ok." He shrugged casually. Draco chuckled and led him over to one of the couches the room had so graciously provided for them. He tugged him onto his lap and snuggled into him. "Sirius wrote to me." Harry said. Draco leaned back to stare at him in confusion. "Sirius Black?" "Um...yeeeeessss. He's my godfather." "Oh yeah, I'd forgotten about that." Harry glanced up at him. "How did you know in the first place?!" Draco waved his hand dismissively before returning it to Harry's hair. "Entire family of Death Eaters." "Oh yeah." "And Aunt Bella rants about him when she's drunk."

Harry closed his eyes, melting into Draco's touch. For a few moments, the only sounds were the crackling fire in the grate. Draco finally broke the o comfortable silence. "So, what did he say?" He asked quietly. Harry sighed slightly, rolling over and cuddling further into Draco's chest. "It was the newspaper clipping. And the words what, explain, please written on a piece of parchment." Draco stopped running his hand through his hair and Harry whined. He started it up again, shaking his head and laughing slightly. "Well, that's one way to ask." He said, humour colouring his tone.

Harry rolled his eyes. "What do I say?" He asked desperately. "Whatever you want." "But, I wanted to check with you first...." Draco tugged his head up to meet his gaze. "You don't need to check with me whenever you want to tell someone something about our relationship." He said seriously. Harry smiled sweetly and pressed a kiss to his cheek. "How did I ever get such a good boyfriend?" Draco hummed as Harry moved to kiss his neck. "If I'm such a good boyfriend, you should probably thank me...." he whispered into Harry's ear. He shivered and met Draco's heavy gaze. He smirked. "I think I have the perfect way to thank you....." he murmured.

"AHH PDA STOOOOP." Harry fell off the couch with a shriek. Draco shot up and glared at the fire grate. Harry looked at the fireplace from his position on the floor, limbs sprawled everywhere and grinned. "Sirius!" Sirius' floating fire head frowned at him. "Seriously? Why the PDA?!" He groaned. Draco raised an eyebrow and gracefully stood up and helped Harry up, wrapping his arms around his torso protectively. "You are the one who interrupted us." He said, humorously but warily, as if he was treading carefully. Fire Sirius eyed him with the air of a disapproving parent. "Draco." He said stiffly.

Harry rolled his eyes. "Sirius." He admonished. "So. It's true." He sighed. Harry straightened up, preparing himself for the disapproving yelling. "Yes." He said unflinchingly. Draco tightened his hold on Harry, never breaking eye contact with the fiery Sirius. "There's nothing you can say that will keep me away from him. We're together. You can't stop that." He announced defiantly. "I'm still me." Harry said almost pleadingly. "I might be gay, b-but I'm still me!" He cried desperately. Sirius' eyes widened in shock and he barked a laugh. "Harry, I don't care if you're gay or if you're with Draco Malfoy. If you're with him, I believe he's a good person,even if it's only towards you. I'm just worried about the reactions towards your relationship."

The two boys stared at him in shock. They were definitely not expecting that. "Not many people are supportive of gay couples. And it'll be worse for you guys, especially since the Malfoy family are notorious for being, no offence, evil." Draco ducked his head. "No offense taken." He said breezily. Harry glanced between the two in shock. "So, you don't care that I'm with Draco?" He demanded. "Not at all. As long as you're happy. And from that little display earlier on and what you said Draco, I can see he makes you happy." Draco eyed him suspiciously. "Were you spying on us?" He asked curiously. Sirius glanced around furtively. "I was being a concerned parental figure!" He said heatedly. Fire Sirius looked backwards and sighed irritably. "I have to go. Be safe. And use protection!" He disappeared from the grate.

Harry's face burned red and Draco coughed. "Well. That's one parent down." He said. "Time for mine."

Sorry for the late update! School is taking up all my time and I am exhausted (more than usual lol). Anyway, I hope you enjoy! Thank you so much for all the views guys, I didn't expect this to get so many views!! Please vote and comment, I love hearing from you all 😊

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