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Harry swam through the dark, murky, sunless water for what seemed like hours. He could see perfectly, what with the special help from the Gillyweed, but he still had trouble making out the shapes shrouded in shadow that passed by him silently. The seaweed waved silently in the current, causing his eyes to dart around at the unfamiliar moving shapes, expecting something to jump out at him. He swam desperately. He didn't know how long was left in the challenge. His watch had stopped working as soon as he dived (okay, more like collapsed) into the water. So far, all had been silent. Which worried him. Surely there were things other than fish and seaweed in these murky depths?

He swam in no particular direction, hoping to find whatever it is that had been taken from him. He really hoped it wasn't his Invisibility Cloak. He wasn't even sure if it could get wet. Suddenly, something darted in his peripheral vision. He stopped swimming, and floated lightly, kicking his flippers delicately. He eyed the dark patch of seaweed warily. Something darted behind him, making him spin around, wand aloft. "Hello?" He tried to say, but only bubbles came out. He stared at the bubbles floating up above him, mesmerized. As soon as he looked up, something sharp grazed his foot.

He glanced down in panic to see a grinning Grindylow leering at him, sharp blade like teeth flashing. The dangerous water creature grasped his ankle with both tentacled hands, digging his razor sharp demonic horns into his skin causing Harry to yelp in pain, and yanked him down.

Harry struggled, trying in vain to tear his foot from the Grindylow's tight grasp. From out of the shadows, more Grindylows darted out from between the seaweed. They grasped onto Harry's legs, pulling him down with more force, hissing venomously all the while. Their sharp horns stabbed his skin, breaking it easily. Small tendrils of blood drifted through the water sending the already violent Grindylows into even more of a frenzy. Harry grunted, kicking out at the creatures. They hissed, baring their teeth viciously. His foot connected with one of their faces, making the one grasping his arm let go and try to stab him with its horns. He waved his arm around desperately, trying to get out of their hold as they dragged him further and further down.

In his moment of sheer and utter panic, Harry had somehow completely forgotten he was a wizard. As he finally noticed his wand tightly clutched in his hand, he pointed it at the monsters and yelled "relashio!". A boiling hot stream of water shot at the Grindylows, burning them wherever it touched. The creatures screeched in pain and abruptly let him go. Harry wasted no time in kicking them off and swimming away. The Grindylows screeched in defiance, slinking back into the shadows from whence they came, already lying in wait for their next victim.

Harry gasped as he swam blindly, not stopping until he had put as much distance possible between him and the Grindylows. His heart pounded in his chest and his limbs burned. Blue and purple splotches littered his exposed skin from the suckers on the Grindylows tentacle-like fingers and legs. He groaned. The rest of his body probably looked like a bloody bruised plum or something, and his cuts were still bleeding. He sighed irritably. Suddenly a giggle echoed around him. He tensed up immediately and raised his wand, ready for another attack.

"Funny seeing you down here." Harry sighed and lowered his wand slightly. "Myrtle." He groaned. The young ghost girl floated by him, looking affronted. She stared at him with wide eyes behind chunky glasses. "What are you doing here Myrtle?" Harry asked warily. You can't blame him. He'd just gotten attacked by Grindylows, who knows what else could happen? Myrtle could actually be some form of water creature that manifests into the most annoying thing on earth. And it chose Myrtle. The dead Ravenclaw sniffed morosely. "There I was, sitting in my U Bend, thinking about death, when suddenly someone flushed my toilet, and I zoomed into the lake." She sighed and began to shriek/sob. Harry really never knew if she was crying or imitating a kettle. You know, one of those metal ones that you out on the stove and it just whistles and bursts your eardrums? One of those. "This always happens to me." She wailed.

"Wait, Myrtle, do you know where I'm supposed to go?" Harry asked desperately. Surely the moany ghost would know most of the lake. She could help him! Hopefully. Myrtle glared at him, feeling a twinge of annoyance. "Is that all you want me for? No hello Myrtle? No how are you? You haven't even come to see me in my bathroom!" She wailed again. Harry stared at the crying girl awkwardly. "Um, I'm sorry. I've just been, uh, very busy lately. But we can hang out some other time, if you just help me with this. I will be in your debt if you do this for me." He pleaded with the irrational ghost, hoping beyond hope that this would work. He had been underwater for what felt like too long, and he was painfully aware of the time ticking by. Myrtle stared at him suspiciously. "So you'll visit me?" She squeaked. Harry nodded wildly. Myrtle shrieked. "That way, through the seaweed." She pointed towards a patch of seaweed that looked exactly the same as the rest of the green plant that was everywhere.

Harry kicked off, yelling a thank you behind him. He swam like his life depended on it, and maybe it did. He didn't know what happened when the hour was up. He just knew he didn't want to still be under water when it was. As he pushed through the thick ropey strands of seaweed, he began to hear something. He stilled, straining to hear what it was. Delicate, eerie notes from the song that the egg contained drifted towards him faintly. His heart in his mouth, he sped forward, propelled by his webbed hands and toes. Around him, ruins of houses and majestic buildings began to rise. The remains of the stone houses seemed empty and lifeless but Harry still gripped his wand tightly and eyed the ruins suspiciously. After that unexpected Grindylow attack, his new mantra was expect the unexpected.

He wandered further into the kingdom of ruins. Then he stopped. "Draco?!"

Mwahahaha cliffhanger! But two updates in two consecutive days?! What's wrong with me? Nah, I'm good, just having one of those curled up on the couch, cocooned in a fluffy blanket, in my pjs with a cup of tea days. Hope you enjoyed!

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