Chapter Thee

293 11 4

I slammed the door behind me and leaned against it, closing my eyes. I began to digest what had just happened. I had tried to kill myself. Was my life really bad that I had to kill myself? I drew in a long breath and pushed my now drying hair behind my head.

My previous question was answered as I heard a booming voice in front of me. Stumbling towards me was the person I hated most in the world. My whole body contracted in fear as he made his way towards me. He would have looked like a perfectly normal guy to a passer by with his handsome face and expensive haircut. But I knew better.

My stepdad's eyes were slightly bloodshot and his face flushed and there was a can in his hand. I shrank against the door in fear as he made his way towards me.

"Where the fuck have you been" he shouted, "and why are you fucking soaking?!" slurring but still menacing.

I didn't answer for a second, not being able to speak.

"ANSWER ME!" He yelled and grabbed me by my hair

I flinched in pain and he brought his face close to mine

"I-I went for a w-walk" I said and I flinched as he slapped my face. Pain radiated through my left cheek

"You arrogant bitch" he whispered, and made to slap me again, but I was quicker. I kneed him where it hurts and he doubled over and fell on the floor.

I turned and sprinted towards my bedroom my heart pounding and my hands shaking. I grabbed the first bag I saw and grabbed a handful of clothes, I didn't know what. I took a load of random things, but my only thought was getting out of here before my stepdad got up and realised I was gone. I grabbed the small amount of money that was on my dresser, only about £35.

I heard someone move downstairs.

I stopped, my heart hammering, as I heard someone clumping up the stairs. He was going to kill me. I looked around for some escape. The window.

I quickly unlocked the hatch and pushed it open, jumping out without hesitation just as I heard my stepdad on the landing. I fell onto the grass, hurting my knees doing so, but not that much. I scrambled up and began running. I dont know how long I ran for. I just kept running. 

I didn't stop until I was far from home. It was beginning to get dark. I sank onto a park bench, exhausted and breathing heavily. I broke down into tears as numerous questions started to hit me.

What was I meant to do now? I had no phone. I had a small amount of money to pay for a pay-phone. But who would I ring? Then I knew. Michael.

I hurried to the nearest payphone which fortunetly wasnt very far. I held the phone to my ear, praying that my friend would pick up.

"Hello?" I heard the familiar voice of my best friend

"Shit, Michael, thank god, I need help, will you come and pick me up?" I sighed in relief but my voice came out scared and weak

"Sam? Is that you? Are you okay? Where are you?" He said worriedly. I told him roughly where I was, based on my surroundings.

"Im on my way, hold on, its going to be okay" he said and hung up. I sat the pavement against a brick wall, waiting for my lift. How did I end up in this situation? Homelessness is something you think only happens to other less fortunate people, but there I was, sat outside at 11:25pm with nowhere to go.

"What are you doing here?" I heard a familiar, raspy voice come from behind me. I turned to see my rescuer. He was dry now and wearing a dark blue bandana that held back his curls, his piercing green eyes bore into mine yet again. I felt my pulse quicken and I stared at him in awe.

"I-I'm waiting for someone"


"Thats my buisness" I muttered and looked at the floor

"I did save your life, you could consider being polite" he said. 


I didn't say anything, just refused to look at him.

"You don't say much do you?"

I looked up and he had moved closer to me, still not taking those light green orbs off my face.

"Whats your name?" He asked unexpectedly

"Er Sam" I muttered

"Like a boys name?"

"Its short for Samantha"

"What do you prefer?"

"Er Sam I guess" I said, moving away from him and tucking my loose hair behind my ear.

"Can I call you Sammy?" He asked. What the hell. He was smiling. It was the first time I had seen him smile. A dimple appeared on each cheek as he smiled but was gone, replaced by his usual sour expression.

"No you can't" I said "Whats your name?" I asked, not that I really cared but I should atleast know the name of my 'rescuer'.

"Harry" he said in his low voice "My names Harry."

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