Chapter Eight

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(Harry's POV)

I removed myself from the drunken mess of people dancing to loud, tasteless and stumbled out the back of the club. I didn't know where Liam had gone but I couldn't care less; I only hung out with him because he was rich and could buy me alcohol when we wanted it. I didn't know how much I'd had to drink already tonight but it was a lot. I needed air. I stood outside in the cold night, the loud music still drumming against my ears. My vision was swimming and I sat on the pavement. Clubbing was one of those things that you're expected to like, but actually fucking hate; much like football, and Jenifer Lopez.

I heard distant footsteps and looked up. A girl was leaning against the wall, looking up at the sky, blowing pearly smoke out her mouth. She seemed familiar. I stumbled towards her and my vision became clearer as got closer to her. I recognised that face.

"Sammy" I slurred. She turned her head, seeing it was me and scoffed. Charming.

"Harry, I should have guessed." she said clearly, moving her gaze away from me.

My intoxicated brain processed the cigarette in her hand.

"Why are you smoking" I growled, taking a step towards her. 

"Why are you drinking" she said taking a step back. I could smell the stale smoke on her breath.

"No body fucking smokes around me!" I yell, attempting to hit the cigarette out of her hand, but missing and falling forwards onto her. She angrily pushed me of, sending me stumbling back.

"No body tells me what to do!" She yelled back, walking up close to where I was standing and grabbing my shirt in her fists. "I don't know why you think you own me but you don't, you don't even know me! You know nothing about my life." Sam hissed in my ear and let go of her hold on me. This girl was fucking infuriating.

"Don't fucking touch me like that, and put the tab out now I swear to god!" I could feel my head getting light as I yelled and I looked up at Sam who was beyond pissed. 

She didn't reply, instead she lifted her hand to her mouth, taking a long drag from the cigarette, and smirked, blowing the smoke right into my face. I felt something inside of me scream in frustration as my hands clenched at my sides and my breathing became harsh. Just at that moment, a wave of nausea hit me causing me to gag and I bent over, emptying the contents of my stomach all over the floor.

It wasn't until I stood up straight and wiped my mouth with the back of my sleeve that I saw the look of disgust plastered on Sam's face and realised that I'd thrown up all over her shoes.

"Shit, Sammy, I di- I wa-" I felt my head getting lighter as I continued to stumble over my words and I held my head between my hands. The picture of Sam looking at her feet began to waver in front of me and I felt my legs go numb. I could just make out the distant noise of Sam's voice but it was the last thing I heard before my vision went black.

(Sam's POV)

I watched as Harry began to stumble. He was going to pass out for sure. I caught him just before his head hit the pavement. Fantastic. I looked down at the unconcious man who was now lying at my feet, and also in his own sick. What the hell was I suposed to do now. I had no car. No house. And my favourite Converse had vomit on them. I kneeled beside Harry. He seemed okay. I heard the door of the club swing open and a man walked out. He noticed Harry lying on the ground and came towards us.

"Did he pass out?" asked the man. No, he's just lying here for no reason.

"Yeah" I said.

"I'm Liam, are you a friend of Harry's?"

I wouldn't say we were exactly friends, he treated me like shit and he just threw up on my shoes. 

"I suppose so"

"Could you take him home? I'm still waiting for people to arrive. I'll give you money for the taxi, and here's his address" he wrote something on a bit of paper "Thanks so much" he said, leaving me no choice in the matter.

Liam smiled at me, thanking me again, before walking off. I looked down at Harry. His curls were strewn over his face, his eyes were closed and his dark lashes contrasted again his skin pale. I leaned down and pushed the curls off his face. Woah, this was weirdly intimate.

I waved for a taxi, and pulled Harry into it, before getting in myself. I explained the current situation to the taxi driver and gave him the address Liam had written down. I didn't even know why I was doing this, Harry was the male version of a bitch. But then again, I had no idea what I was doing about anything at that moment in time.

So much shit was happening, with my so-called step-dad, my current homelessness, my faltering friendship with Michael, and this impulsive but beautiful boy lying across my lap, who kept running into my life, over and over again. Part of me was beginning to feel that it was all too much.

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