Chapter Five

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I felt Michael stiffen in horror. I turned to face him.

"Y-you what" said Michael, his voice sounded strained, like he was about to cry, and I noticed a small tear glistening on his cheek.

"What the fuck, Sam!?" Yelled Michael. I flinched at his suddenly harsh tone. He got out of bed to switch on the light and stared at me with flaming eyes.

"Why!" He shouted, it was a cross between angry and sad. He knows exactly what I got through on a day to day basis so I though he'd be at least a little bit sympathetic.

"I'm sorry, Mikey, There was a moment, where I felt like I didn't belong on this earth anymore, I felt unloved, alone. I was drowning in my own misery, Mikey. I hate myself so much, but I hate the fact that I hurt you, more. You're my best friend, but you don't understand" I didnt look at him. Tears were pouring down my cheeks now, and my words had become choked and desperate. Michael pulled me into his arms. I cried into his T-shirt.

"You are loved, Samantha Jones" whispered Michael, into my hair.

I didn't answer.

"How" asked Michael, flatly.

"I-I jumped off the cliff into the sea"

"A-And how are you-"

"Still alive? Some obnoxious guy pulled me out" This didn't seem the right way to describe the man with the piercing green eyes that seemed to see straight through me, the curly chestnut hair, the ink that trailed up his arms in dark waves, and his silver lip ring he frquently held tight between his white teeth.

The man who saved my life, the man I now knew to be called Harry.

Michael turned the light back off, and as I dropped off to sleep, my dreams were haunted by crashing waves and green eyes.


I woke up the next morning and I had almost forgotten everything, until I sat up and realised I wasn't in my own bed, then everything came back to me. I turned to see Michael, lightly snoring next me, his head on my pillow, purple hair looking bright as ever on the white sheets.

I eased myself out of bed, and took some clothes that I had randomly grabbed the previous day from my bag, walking to the bathroom. I turned the shower on, and I stepped in, looking down at the floor and letting the warm water pour over my head. The water running down my face was greasy from the sea salt in my hair.

After what felt like hours, I stepped out the shower, got dressed, and brushed my tangled hair. I stared at myself in the mirror, my dark, wet hair falling to my elbows and soaking through my shirt. My normally blue eyes looked tired against my pale skin. I sighed as I tied my wet hair into a ponytail and walked out the bathroom, towards the kitchen where I could hear Michael banging around in the cupboards.

"You're up" I stated, sitting down on one of the plastic chairs at the counter. My voice seemed to startle Michael as he jumped, sending the plate he was holding flying across the room until it hit the floor and shattered everywhere.

"Uggghhhhhhh shit, Sam, what the fuck" Michael groaned in frustration. 

"Sorry, I didn't know I would scare you" I was trying to hold back the laughing I could feel rising from my belly, as I knew it wasn't going to make the situation any better.


Me and Michael both slumped onto the couch and let out a long sigh. It had taken almost an hour to completely clear up the small pieces of broken china from the kitchen floor. I looked down at Michael's hands and laughed at the numerous plasters on his fingers. 

We sat in silence for a while, just thinking. It wasn't an uncomfortable silence though. I though about what might have happened if Harry wasn't there to save me. At first, I hated him for saving me, but now I'm kinda glad he did. I hate to think what Michael might have done if I had died. He would get bad again, just like he was before I helped fix him.

Just like I was, before he helped fix me.

I suddenly realised how much I effect Michael's life and regret washed over me. I needed to calm down, I really needed to smoke. I felt around in my trouser pockets for the familiar small box until I remembered that they were probably in the same place as my keys; the bottom of the ocean. Michael noticed me shifting in my seat and asked what was wrong.

"Nothing, Mikey, I'm fine" I assured him, smiling just to prove that I was infact fine. I just couldn't let him know I was smoking again. Michael and I decided to quit after his uncle died of lung cancer, fearing that we may end up the same way. It was much easier for him to quit as smoking helped me with the stress of being at home. 

"I need to quickly get something from the store, I'll be back in like 10 minutes tops." I said grabbing my jacket and purse.

"What do you need to get?" asked Michael.

"Just,err... tampons and stuff" I inwardly cringed at my quick thinking.

"O-oh, ok" said Michael awkwardly "do you want me to come with you?"

"Michael, don't worry, I'm not going to do anything stupid" I told him, leaning down to give him a hug. "I'll be back before long." 

Just as I walked out the door, I collided with a tall figure and fell backwards. He reached out an arm for to grab and helped me up off the floor. I brushed off my knees and looked up, recognising a familiar face.

"Calum! Hi!" 

"Hey, Samantha. Were you seeing Michael?" The tanned boy asked.

"Erm, yeh! I'm staying over actually, just going to the shops."

"Oh, well I'll see you later then" he smiled.

I said goodbye and then started walking down the street towards the small newsagents in the village. It was cold outside and the wind blew some of my loose hair onto my face.

When I reached the store, I pushed open the heavy door and walked inside, heading straight towards the counter. I picked up a box of tampons on the way, just so Michael didn't think I was lying. A small lady who looked about 80, was stood behind the tills doing a crossword, and didn't hear me coming in.

I cleared my throat in an attempt to get her attention and she jumped and quickly look up. Seriously, why was I giving everyone frights today?

She apologized and smiled kindly. "What can I do for you, sweety?" 

I asked for my usual and she briefly looked behind me at someone who had just walked into the store before turning around to get my box of cigarettes.

I felt someone walk up and wait in the queue behind me as the old woman scanned my items on the till. Suddenly, I heard a familiar voice behind me.


You have to be fucking kidding me.

I Didn't Want To Be Saved (Harry Styles Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now