chapter 15- the twist

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."what’s wrong" Jason asked cutting me off from my thoughts, studding me. 
“Are you serious” I asked wondering if this was a joke.
“Thank you know one of my problems are gone “I said hugging him while giving him a quick peck on the lips.
I don’t know why I felt upset, my feelings for Tyler are gone Wright?
But ive never loved someone like I loved Jason.
“What are you thinking about” Jason asked.
“Nothing important”
“Are you hungry” he asked
“Yes starving”
“Good, are you ready?”
“For what” I asked confused.
“I’m taking you out on a date” he said smiling”
“Thanks, but what if someone recognizes me” I asked worried.
“I’ll take you somewhere where no one will recognize you” he said while smiling.
“Okay let me get ready” I said while unwrapping myself from him.
“No, you look good” he said whining.
“But it’s a date I want to look perfect” I told him honestly.
“You already look perfect” he smirked
“Thanks but I’ll be taking one sec” I told him as I ran upstairs.
As I got upstairs I went and picked out a pretty white dress (on the side) that went reached half my thigh, I put on black high heals and I curled my dirty blond hair so it looked wavy, I applied a bit of eyeshadow to make my blue eyes so they poped, I also applied a bit of blush and glossy lipgloss.
I caught a glimpse of myself in the mirror and was satisfied by my appearance for the date.
I went down stairs and saw Jason, he looked mouth watering he looked absolutely gorgues (he looked like this )
I looked up at Jason to see him looking me up with his mouth slightly ajar.
“you look beautiful” Jason said smilling.
“you don’t like to bad yourself” I said going to him.
“ yeah that why you were practically drooling over me” he smirked while I blushed. 
“Look who’s talking” I said before kissing him on the cheek.
“alright lets go “he said while taking by hand.
His care was amazing it was a luxury electric. I was going to ask how he can afford all this but I realized he was kind of a criminal he can steel and he gets paid for what he does, i didnt want to think about that right know.
“thank you” I said as he opened the door for me like a gentle men.
“no problem” he said before closing the door.
He got in the car and started to drive with one hand on the wheel and the other was holding my hand.
“where are we going” I asked curiously.
“it’s a surprise”.
As we drove jason made jokes making me laugh the whole way.
“Where here” he said while stopping the car.
He then came and opened my door.
“Thank you” I said while walking outside.
I looked around and saw a beautiful beach and a nice looking restraint, it was breath taking.
“Do you like it” Jason asked studying me.
“I don’t like it, I love it, thank you” I said and gave him a quick peck on the lips.
He then took my hand and we walked to the restraunt.
He then got a table for to, we were talking nonstop throughout the whole lunch he made me laugh none stop. 
He then paid as when finished.
“Thank you” I said as we were walking out of the restraunt.
“Anything for you” he said while entwining our fingers together as we walked to the beach in silent it wasn’t an awkward silence it was a nice silent.
I knew that voice.
I turned around shaking.
I couldn’t believe my eyes.
“t-t-tyler” .


hey guys, cliffhanger!!!!!!! thanks for reading, i hoped you liked it, your questions will be answered in the next chapters, comment and vote, 

thanks xxxx

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