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|Changbin Focus|

"Jihun, I need you to look up someone under the name of Kyun Seoku. I want to know his whereabouts."

A yawn came out on the other end. "Dude, you woke me up from my nap. Guren's got me doing overnight work. Now you want me to take a part of my time off to help you?"

Changbin rolled his eyes. Jihun could be kind of grumpy at times. But, he was his friend nonetheless. Since Jihun was only a year older than him, the two had gotten along well over the years.


"Whatever. What did you say his name was again?"

"Kyun Seoku."

A few minutes passed in until Jihun broke the silence. "I just pulled up his address. I'll send it to you."

"Great thanks."

"You're welcome. Now do me a favor and don't bother me anymore. Bye." He hung up. Once Changbin received the address, he sped off in his car, fully aware of the choice he was about to make.

As he pulled in right in front of the house, he saw a guy limping to the driveway. It looked exactly like the guy in Felix's yearbook. After looking at his face for a few seconds, Changbin's anger instantly returned.

Getting out of the car, he slowly made his way over to the limping male. "Yah, are you by any chance Kyun Seoku?" He called out to him. The guy turned around, glaring at Changbin.

"Yes. What's it to you?"

"Oh nothing much." In that quick moment, Changbin raised his fist and punched Seoku straight in the face. He groaned in response, clutching the left side of his jaw.

"What the hell man?" He groaned.

Changbin took it a step further and kneed him in the gut and quickly pushed him onto the hood of the car that was parked in the driveway. He slammed his head down on the hood and pulled out a Swiss army knife. He held it close to Seoku's face so he could see it.

"Mess with Felix again and it's your life you'll have to look out for, understand?"

Seoku's eyes widened at the knife that was only a few centimeters from his face. He rigorously nodded his head, trying to distance himself from the weapon.

"Good." As Changbin let go of the guy, he gave him a warning cut on his arm which caused him to yelp out in pain. "And just remember, I know where you live."

Without sparing a second glance, Changbin walked calmly back to his own car and started the engine. Deep inside, he didn't want to see Felix get hurt. Something about that boy made him feel soft. Almost weak in a way. He hated to give into that feeling but something just felt so right about doing so.

Although, it probably didn't matter anyway. In a couple weeks, Felix will be in a basement or warehouse somewhere and tied down into a chair being tortured. It shouldn't matter if there was someone bullying him if Felix was just going to be hurt anyway.

But for some reason, Changbin wanted to make Felix feel happy, while he still could.

Why was that?

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