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Trigger warning.

Felix kept his head down in the hallway. He had put his hood over his head in order to hide himself from his classmates. One in particular.

He had found out that the guy who sexually assaulted him was named Seoku. And he had his eyes on Felix.

Yesterday in the library, Seoku came up to where he was sitting and ended up sitting on the chair across from him. He tried touching Felix's hand until the smaller boy ended up running away from him. Before he left, he heard one of the guy's friends call him Seoku.

Now, because of him, Felix was afraid to go anywhere in school without a hat or hoodie on to hide his face. Throughout the day, he made sure that he was never late to class so he wouldn't be a straggler in the hallways alone. He was afraid of what might happen if he did. 

After the rest of his classes were finished, he began walking his way home from school. Luckily, he wasn't picked on as much today. There were a few nasty comments that were thrown at him here and there but nothing too physical happened.

However, it seemed as if he thought about that too early. Halfway on his route, he felt himself being pushed onto the ground, head just barely missing the rock next to him. Someone came up behind him and slammed their foot onto his back so that he could not get up.

"Thought you could hide from me, Felix?"

Felix turned his head to see Seoku standing right next to him. The slightly older guy picked him up and shoved him into the nearest alley way,  causing the younger to trip and fall to the ground once more.

Seoku took it upon himself to stand over Felix, his legs on either side of him. "Let's say we have some fun today?"

Seoku tugged on Felix's hair and pulled him up against the wall, then pinning him so he could not escape.

"S-stop!" Felix pleaded, trying to push the guy off of him. Seoku, however, was stronger than Felix and was not going to let go of the poor boy. "S-someone help!" He screamed, earning a slap from Seoku.

"Shut up."

The older boy undid his belt and pulled down his pants. He then pulled felix down in front of him and clinged onto his hair, shoving his face in front of his member.

His small member.

"Come on, pretty boy. Let's see how well that mouth of yours can work."

"No!" He yelped. Suddenly, an idea popped into his mind. He had to get this guy off of him somehow. So, leaning in as if to suck, he made sure the member was halfway into his mouth before he bit down. Hard.

"Agh!" Seoku fell backwards onto the ground and held his member in his hands. Felix tried to ignore the taste of blood as he hopped up off of the ground and ran away.

He didn't know where he was running to at that point and soon found himself lost in the streets. He had no idea how to get home. Had he even been in this side of town before? He didn't even recognize it.

He pulled out his phone and searched through his contacts. There was no way he was going to call his dad to pick him up. His father would bombard him with too many questions. He finally found Chan's contact number and pressed the call button.

The phone rang. And rang. And rang until it went to voice mail.

Damn it Chan. Felix thought as his eyes landed on a different contact number. It was Changbin's.

Well, here goes nothing.


Okay sry but at least he wasn't raped.

And yes, Felix actually did bite a dick.


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