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The time had finally came where Felix was meeting with Changbin at the mall.

It seemed like Changbin was going to be a few minutes late so Felix just decided to roam around in a candy store. Sometimes he would walk into candy stores just because of all the pretty colors. He never really bought anything but the inside just made him happy.

Soon, he felt his phone vibrate.

Changbin: where are we meeting?

Felix: I'm in the candy store

Changbin: ok I'll see u there ;)

A few minutes later, Felix spotted the older boy as he entered the store. He waved him over with a smile on his face. "Changbin Hyung!" He called out.

"You know you don't actually have to use honorifics with me. I don't mind." Changbin chuckled, coming face to face with the younger boy.

"Well, I mind. Do you want some candy?"

Changbin shrugged his shoulders, "I'm not much of a sweet person...unless they have black licorice?"

Felix scrunched up his nose in distaste. "Ew that stuff's gross."

That earned a laugh from Changbin. "Hey, let me buy you something." The older looked around the store.

"What? No, you don't have to." The younger blinked at his sudden offer. He never liked people giving him things for free. It made him feel obligated to pay them back in some way.

"Seriously, I'll buy us some candy and we can eat it together later." Before Felix could refuse, Changbin was already filling up a bag with gummy bears. He moved onto another container full of sour patch kids and started scooping out some into the bag. He turned to Felix once he was done. "What type of candy do you like?"

"I guess...anything chocolate."

Changbin smiled and grabbed a separate bag, sliding in various different chocolates inside. He put in some malt balls and some chocolate drops before looking back up at Felix.

"We should sneak this candy into the movie theatre on the other side of the mall."

Felix frowned, "But that's not allowed though."

Changbin only rolled his eyes in response, "And your point is?" He looked at the younger boy who only replied in silence. "How about we see that new horror movie? It's supposed to be really good."

"Okay." Felix shrugged, feeling content with anything that the moment.

After they paid for their candy, well after Changbin paid for their candy, the two headed off to the other side of the mall where the theatre was at. Luckily the next showtime started in ten minutes.

They came in just on time.


The two boys sat in the theater with the movie almost at its climax. By then, Felix was clutching onto his hyung's arm in attempt to hide his face from the monstrous scene playing before him.

That day was the day when he found out that horror movies were not his thing. Nope nope nope.

Changbin only grinned and shook his head slightly at the younger's reaction. It was kind of cute how Felix began holding on tightly to his jacket.

Felix decided to take a peek at the screen at the exact moment there was a jump scare. He whimpered and shut his eyes once more while Changbin just sat unbothered.

"Eat some of your candy. Maybe it'll distract you." Felix faintly heard Changbin suggest.

"I already ate it all." He mumbled back.

The older only chuckled at his cuteness. "You can have some of my black licorice?"

"No thanks," Felix chuckled, a small smile appearing on his face. Even though Changbin doesn't look like it, he's really nice. Felix thought as he tried to ignore the ongoing terrors in front of him. Really nice, indeed.

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