(Prussia x austria x Switzerland x male reader)

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Austria let in his two best and only friends, Prussia and Switzerland. "Oh hey man, I also invited a friend of mine, hope you don't mind." Prussia said with a grin.

Austria sighed, "As long as he's nothing like you."

"You have no idea." Prussia chuckled.

Switzerland smirked, "Are you talking about _?"

Prussia nodded, "J-Jah…vhy?"

"Because I heard he's the only man who can top you." Switzerland smirked.

"What! A guy who can top Prussia! How is that even possible? Even Prussia can top his own brother, and one would think that Germany would be the dominating one!" Austria exclaimed in amazement.

Switzerland nodded, and Prussia just tinted pink.

"Does he make you feel like a woman?" Austria said with a small smirk, actually enjoying this.

"Hey! Anyone can feel the need to be the dominated one!" Prussia protested, his face taking on a darker blush.

Austria and Switzerland both chuckled, they could admit they were both ukes but seriously, Prusssia? An uke? It was inconceivable! Totally unheard of! Now they really wanted to see this!

"So when is your boyfriend arriving? I really want to meet this guy now." Austria smirked, and then turned to Switzerland, "Have you seen this _?"

"No, but I've heard about him." Switzerland admitted.

"Well he has to be real because Prussia would never admit to being a uke unless there is a guy who makes him feel like that." Austria said, more towards himself.

"Unless of course Prussia's lying and he's just going through a phase of wanting to be a uke." Switzerland said.

"Mein gott! I'm right here!" Prussia growled.

The two uke-like nations looked at Prussia with a single long look…Prussia…as someone's uke…They bowled over laughing and that's when there was a knock at the door. Prussia smirked, and went to the door and opened it and you walked in and tousled Prussia's hair playfully. Prussia instantly turned from a badass to a submissive little kitten.

"Guten tag, _."

"Hey there little buddy, want to introduce me to our host and your other friend?" You chuckled.

Prussia nodded obediently, "Jah, this is Austria and Svitzerland, they can pretty annoying at times but they're pretty cool."

You nodded, "Nice to meet you two." You grinned as you slightly towered an inch above the tallest of the three. You offered your hand and they shook it unable to believe how naturally muscular you were. You only wore a skimpy white tank top and a pair of baggy jeans, and boots.

Austria couldn't tear his bulging eyes away from your massive arm muscles. Switzerland could only stare at your chest, wondering about how it was that lanky Prussia wasn't a pancake by now.

"Pleasure to meet you, _." They both said trying not to look intimidated by you.

You laughed at their hidden nervousness, "So what do you three kids usually like to do?"

The two shocked nations looked at Prussia with an expression that clearly read: Kids?

Prussia blushed and mouthed, discreetly, "He's like in his early thirties."

They looked up at your very confused face, "What's the matter guys?"

Austria cleared his throat, "Why don't you turn on the television, and find something interesting, I need to have Switzerland and Prussia help me make tea and find some snacks for us."

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