Chapter 6 Detention

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Jungkook's P.O.V
I woke up and went downstairs and Lisa wasn't there, I searched the whole house and she wasn't there. I looked at what day it was SHIT IT'S MONDAY. I grab my stuff and ran out the house.

Lisa's P.O.V
He looked so peaceful I didn't want to wake him up. I had my head on the desk about to sleep when someone came into the room but I was to lazy to see who it was "your late" "I know I'm sorry".
I suddenly felt someone sit next to me I look up once he touched my shoulder "why did you leave so early" I knew it was Jungkook who was whispering "stop talking or we'll get in trouble" "JUNGKOOK, LISA DETENTION!!!", The teacher yelled at us. All of Jungkook's fan girls were looking at me with a stink eyes.
     School was over but not for me and Jungkook we have detention. I was heading over to detention when someone grabbed me and pulled me in the girls bathroom "What do you want with my boyfriend?" The girl had a cigarette in her hand along with other girls "who are you?" I asked and she pushed me on the floor "Yuri Jungkook's girlfriend". Oh now I get why Jungkook doesn't talk to me when we're in school. It will ruin his reputation if I told her that we were living together "Who's Jungkook?" I acted clueless "I KNOW YOU KNOW WHO HE IS I SAW YOU GUYS WHISPERING IN CLASS, GIRLS GRAB HER HANDS!!!". Her friends grabbed my hands and Yuri put her cigarette on my Cheek and it burned really bad, but I couldn't scream cause she covered my mouth with her other hand. "I'll let you go on one condition you tell no one not even Jungkook. AND STAY AWAY FROM HIM!!!". I ran out of the bathroom running home forgetting about detention.

Jungkook's P.O.V
    Detention was over and Lisa didn't even come, I'm worried she doesn't seem like the kind that will skip things like Detention.
    I entered the house and I heard sobs coming from upstairs. I grabbed an umbrella in case there was someone else in the house. I went upstairs and took a peek inside I saw Lisa with her head in her knees on the bed. I went up to her and hugged her she looked up at me but not with soft eyes she had Fear in her eyes. "Jungkook I'm going back to America" I then looked at her cheek it was really red and her skin was peeling off "Lisa what happened to your cheek?". She covered it with her hand but once her hand landed on her cheek she yelled in pain "Who did this?" I asked with a worried tone "I..'t... tell...y...ou she'll... h..urt... me...a...gain". I hate to see Lisa like this "I'm going back to America" I felt tears coming out my eyes "You can't leave you promised me" "well Yuri doesn't except me as being your friend". Yuri? What does have to do with Yuri "Lisa what do you mean Yuri doesn't except you as my friend?" I asked her confused "you won't believe me" "I will always believe you so tell me" " your girlfriend... right?" "Yeah". She then slapped my arm "YOU SHOULD HAVE TOLD ME!!!" "Why?" "CAUSE JUNGKOOK I DIDN'T WANT TO RUIN YOUR REPUTATION!!!!" I was still confused of what's going on "Yuri dragged me to the bathroom, pushed me on the floor, and used a cigarette to burn my cheek as a warning that she's going to do worst if I don't stay away from you." Lisa went back to crying in her knees "Lisa what did this have to do with my reputation?" I asked her "I told her I didn't know you and that we weren't close at all cause I didn't want her to brake up with you. You guys seem happy with the way you are, I didn't want to take that from you" "you should have told her that your my friend I don't care about my reputation if your getting hurt. I'm going to brake with Yuri if she's hurting you" "don't do that you love her". I lifted Lisa's chin "I love you more" I saw her blush which was so cute "let's forget about Yuri and Let's watch a movie" "sure" she gave me a smile which lightened up my heart.

Lisa's P.O.V
     Jungkook sat on the couch picking out a movie, while I was making popcorn. I felt arms wrap around my waist and rest his head on my shoulder "I don't want you to leave to go to America" I turned around leaning on the counter with his hands still on my waist "I will never brake our promise. Did you pick out the movie already?" "Yeah I did are you ready with the popcorn" he came even closer our faces only centimeters apart "YAH ONE STEP CLOSER I WILL NOT WATCH THE MOVIE WITH YOU!!!" He quickly ran to the couch. I then came after him with the popcorn in my hand "What are we watching?" "conjuring" he had an evil grin on his face "NO WHY DOES HAVE TO BE SCARY!!?" "Cause I said so" he started playing it and pulled me closer to him "you know you have become such a pervert over the years" he laughed "no I haven't" "yes then why have you been so clingy" "WELL YOUR MY BEST F__". I gave him a peck on the cheek and his cheeks turned bright pink "sshhh Let's watch the movie instead of talking"
    I jumped a couple of times in the movie but every time I look to the side I see Jungkook scared more than me. I turned it off once it started getting to scary "let's go to sleep" I told him but he grabbed onto me so tight like a scared child "I'm scared" he said and I can tell cause his hands were trembling "Oppa it's okay" he stopped shaking and looked at me  and twirled me in the air "Why are you so happy all of a sudden" "YOU CALLED ME OPPA!!!". "Whatever let's go to sleep". He slept really close to me

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