1. Introduction

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Author's Note: Zone Albrecht is normally written with different fonts based on which narrator's perspective it is. To avoid confusion, I'd just like to point out that the narrated parts that aren't signed are written by Jordan N. due to him being the one compiling the book and all the diary extracts. And if you like Zone Albrecht please don't forget to vote, comment, and add it to your reading list!


This story is dedicated to all the people that died during the horror that is Zone Albrecht, including my brother, Thomas. I miss you.

Also, this story is dedicated to Angela, and many of the things that happened to her will be written here, some, even, by her own point of view. The rest by mine and what I saw happen to her.

She survived it all for nothing.

You adults reading this, you'll probably think I'm insane, or that I'm making it all up.

Parents of victims, you'll probably refuse to see the truth, even when you read these lines, and be angry at me, thinking that it's all fiction, it can't be true.

But it's the Zone that killed your children, not my writing.

And maybe if you read what they wrote, what I wrote, then, maybe, you'll finally be able to face the truth. And maybe they'll stop. Maybe other kids won't die the same way we did if enough people know what really happened.


Jordan N.


"This ought to be good. Stuck in some sort of creepy building with you and Rome-boy. Man, I can't wait!" Angela said sarcastically. I lightly smirked, but for the most part ignored her. Me and Angela weren't exactly on good terms before.

The building was huge. You could barely see the top of it by throwing your head back and staring at the sky. What was strange was that it was lost in the woods in the middle of nowhere. It was really creepy actually, and shudders went down my spine at the sight. It looked like some sort of lab blended with one of those overly bright white, desinfected hospitals. But even though the building didn't look old or damaged that was visible from the outside, it had some sort of a creep factor, some sort of a ... haunting feeling. 

The sound of Angela snorting snapped me out of it, however. She was staring at the building skeptically, arms crossed and defiant, as usual. It was just like her, doing something like that.

I stared at my friend Romain. He didn't look exactly joyous. 

 Although he wasn't the brightest, he had this gloomy look on his face, like even he could sense that something was off.

"What's wrong?" I asked.

"This place is creepy," he answered. " why are we even here?"

I shrugged.

"It's a sort of test the school agreed we would do. Nothing fancy."

And yet, I wasn't reassured either when the huge gates around it opened by themselves and let the eight hundred kids of my school, including myself, enter.


Extract from Angela's diary

Monday, March 3rd 2008

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