6. Dead End

49 6 69

Extract from Angela's diary

Shit! Why me?! I had never been much of the cleaning-healing-cooking-repairing stuff type of girl, so basically I had no fucking idea what to do. For all I knew, Furball could have been dying of Malaria, whatever the fuck Malaria is!

I sighed and started clawing my forehead, like everytime I was anxious and/or worried. When I looked at my fingers I saw that I was bleeding.

Great. Just great.

So I started looking around on his night table. That didn't take too long. It was empty.

"Think Angie, think!" I told myself.

My face suddenly beamed as the answer came to me. A wet cloth on his forehead! That could help!

But with what would I wet it?

The bathrooms back at the main room, of course! I could go there and wet a cloth, then bring it back and put it on Fur's face.

Perfect! That would at least cool him down a bit.

I stared at him, moaning and twisting under his covers and shuddered, feeling guilty and repulsed with myself. This really wasn't the time to misinterpret his moans, of all of them. I mean, what was that famous catchphrase again?

If you wanna survive in a horror movie, no sex


I ran through the halls. Cold, dark, oppressive ... good thing the Zone had that familiar "absolute dread" decor to keep you grounded. 

I quickly entered inside the dormitories, feeling relieved that nothing had attempted to kill, hurt, molest or attack me yet. It was a nice change.

It didn't last long.

My eyes widened and I felt my blood freeze upon entering the dorms.

All was alright, there were teens sleeping here and there.

Only they weren't from my class. I had no fucking clue who they were.

But most of all, they all had their backs turned on me, and the room was barely lighten by the dim light of the sun passing through the closed windows' curtains.

I think I even gritted my teeth out of fear.

Who the fuck were these people?!

And then my gaze focused on that of a blond boy. Somehow, I felt that he was grinning, even though for now I could only see the back of his head.

And oh damn was that terrifying.

"Wh-who are you?!" 

He got up and turned around. I couldn't even scream.

The thing that was grinning at me was not alive, that was for sure.

Two dark holes instead of eyes seemed to be mocking me, and it had a huge dislocated jaw hanging lazily from its face. Inside the mouth could be seen insects. Dozens and hundreds of insects, cockroaches, magots, flies, you name it.

And the thing was grinning, its skin around its mouth dead and stretching, appearing to be elastic. But it looked happy. It lift its arms in my direction before slowly getting up, staggering a bit as it tried taking its first steps towards me, like a toddler from Hell.

My body felt like it was paralyzed and my legs were as good as lifeless, and yet I managed to at least take one step back, my eyes not leaving the thing for a second.

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