15. Salvation

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Wow, it's been a while! But back with a new ZA update! It's a pretty tense update though, thankfully :) so enjoy!


It all went pretty fast from there on. In between blurs, it seemed as though I was watching a real-live video. The dark-haired woman had disappeared, and I saw with panic that I was now in a field. Yes. The white, blank room was now just like a clearing, like torn out from a picture album, from a random place in the world. I saw the blond woman, the happy one. She was beautiful, as much as I hate to admit it; certainly better than me, anyway. Entirely naked, her skin was a perfect white, and she had awesome teeth, a beautiful smile, gorgeous long hair, and lively, pretty eyes. She didn't even look retarded. Perfect, or at least, as far as blonds were concerned. Venus knelt down near a river (yes, you heard me, a river. It has just randomly appeared out of nowhere), and cupped water delicately in her joined hands, before drinking out of it, her eyes closed, looking slightly disdainful, which pissed me off even more. Apparently, she wasn't just perfect looking, she knew it as well, and the worst part was, she was probably extremely intelligent too.

"Like a computer..." I thought.

That's when I heard a voice boom. It made me jump, and I looked first at the woman, who was still ignoring me, then in all directions at once. Nothing. Madonna though, seemed amused by my fear; though she still acted as though I didn't exist, I thought I saw the slight trace of a mocking smile on her pulpous lips.

"Bitch!" I thought. But as soon as the voice talked, I only paid attention to it. Because what it was telling me was so enormous...

"Millions of years ago came the first man and the first woman."

"Bullshit religion," I thought immediately. Adam and Eve, humans are perfect, they came out of thin air.

"These beings were how true human beings should be: able to use every single capacity in their brains and bodies, all of those which desperately remain dormant to us to this day."

I perked up. That sounded already a bit more intelligent. I looked at the river. The beautiful woman was now standing up. She creeped me out, to be honest. There was just something incredibly...mean...and/or robotic about her, which made my skin crawl.

"The organization of Alpha Tsenter has decided to restore what has been lost, so that..."

I don't remember exactly what it said, but it was confusing, and creepy. Fucking creepy. They kept talking about some light, and children, how they must protect the children, or something like that. Yes. And that nothing must stand in their way, that it wasn't over, they said. They would get their revenge, they'd be the better, and sacrifices had to be made, for Alfa Tsenter for--

And all of a sudden I found myself surrounded by darkness, everywhere. I screamed and tried to run back, but the thing was...there was no way back. There was no wall, no door. I was in perfect nothing, in absolute obscurity.

And then I saw the red light...

I immediately froze, eyes wide, holding my breath without being aware of it. The light was faint, yet it was approaching steadily. I almost felt hypnotized by it, I just couldn't pay attention to anything else...

(to what could I have paid attention to, anyway?)

Every second it came closer, and as time passed, I started realizing what it really was.

The Madonna. The perfect woman.

Except she sure as fuck didn't seem as blond and perfect anymore.

I've always been good at writing and describing, always. In Literature and Arts class, I'm always miraculously popular, with everyone being my friend and asking me for help. But what I was seeing at that moment was almost impossible to describe. Since my diary is probably gonna get into the hands of someone else when I die, hopefully someone from the outside world who can believe and understand the nightmare we've been through, it is my duty to try and describe this as best as I can manage.

In the darkness it advanced, the "perfect" human being, perfect female, and the closer it got...the more horrid it became. Its face became distorted, its flesh ,melted, its eyeballs disappeared, and yet it continued walking just as gracefully, swinging its hips in a perfect way after each perfect step, and then I understood. The Jitzu, what it wanted, I understood.

It wanted to destroy life. Because Nature does not enjoy or even fabricate the concept of "perfect", that is merely a human notion. For a species to survive, it must have flaws. It has to possess smart, stupid, strong, weak, beautiful, ugly individuals, because it needs a bit of everything to survive. Nature finds its strength in diversity. If you want to create something perfect, then that means that you want to destroy nature, you want to destroy the fundamental laws of the Universe. You want to destroy a species. And the closer that thing came to me, the more I screamed, the more I tried to run away, except there was no place to go. Like death, there was nowhere, I was screaming, terrified, trapped like a rat in a cage. There was no place to hide, and for one second, for one horrible second, I wondered if that was what everybody saw when they died, their final moment. The Jitzu, the perfect man or woman, came and reminded them of their flaws, how imperfect, how monstrous they were compared to the possibilities. And the closer it came, the Perfect being, the more terror you could conceive, the more PAIN, the more PAIN was accessible.

I don't remember what I shrieked as it got closer, I don't even remember if I said anything at all. But then, when it was close enough to lean towards me, close enough to grimace, flesh melting from its jaw at every second, when its hand drew closer to me...I saw just a small flash of light.

"Hope..?" I remember that being the only word that crossed my mind when the white light appeared. The creature's clown-like smile turned upside down, and then I felt it grab my arm and pull, tug, bringing me to it, so I screamed even louder and pulled, though I knew it was no use.

"Angela! It's ME you fucking retard!"

"Jordan...?" and then I realized it was his hand that was grabbing my arm, and that he came from the light, so I managed to bolt right before the creature could rip me into pieces, close its jaws on my neck and tear my head from my body. I half collapsed in Fur's arms and he slammed the door shut so hard that I think they heard the noise all the way to the outside world. I vaguely realized, panting and quivering that I was, that I was at his feet, but for once didn't give a shit. Not the time to think about trivial, unimportant ego and sexual metaphors. He was looking at the door with his eyes even wider than usual. Me thinks he saw part of the thing inside. He didn't see the whole thing, no. He didn't see it like I did, but he saw enough. Enough not to want to join the party, as they say.

"You saved me!" I exclaimed. I felt loved.

"Only for the hundredth time since we've been in this goddamn Hell," he grumbled as a response. Ah Rabbito. What a poet. Now he knows how to speak to women.

It's crazy that I still manage to do humor and be sarcastic considering what we're living, but I honestly think that, without a little sense of humor, you can't survive in life; even less when you're inHell like in the Zone.

So anyway, I then realized that, to help me calm down, I had kind of grabbed a piece of his jean, so I let go and quickly got up. Better not push it, either. After that I realized what was wrong with the picture of Jordan standing up and saving my ass. Again.

"Wait...what are you doing here?! The nursery, your arm--"

"Any complaints? 'Cause if you want you can just come back from where you came and I'll go and lie down in my bed, which is where I should be now, as you've subtly noticed." That's Jordan for you. He'd rather be an ass than have a heart for too long. It must consume too much gasoline. I was about to reply something witty and sarcastic when--

Extract from Angela's diary


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