14. Dilemma

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Author's Note: Thirty billion years later, a wild update appears. This one is dedicated to goonbaggie and  Wolf1072 for being my wattpad besties. You guys are ze best. Ere iz a baguette. It iz good. Hope you guys enjoy ZA and don't forget to vote and comment!


"Well fine you fucking bitch, go to hell! You think I care?! I don't give a goddamn fu –" I thought, and then I looked at the injured and the beds around me. I thought about my brother, my sister too, my mom, dad, my family, Leslie, Rome even and, are you surprised? I had tears in my eyes: I felt like fucking crying. And yes, I hated my life, yes I hated this fucking place, yes I hated being here, my school even, and yes at the moment I hated HER most of all, Angela, that goddamn bitch, that fucking slut. I expired and leaned back against my pillow, and eventually my eyes stopped being watery, though they still hurt and it felt as if something was tightening my throat. A while later, after expiring a few more times, part of the anger vanished, and my eyes were dry once more, though my throat still hurt. I tried to clear my mind of all thoughts in general, especially about you-know-who. Staring at the ceiling blankly ended up being the most relaxing, and soon enough I was almost one hundred percent calm once more.


I stumbled in the hallways, wanting to think about everything except Rabbito. I was pissed as hell, and sad too. Damnit! Did he not realize where we were?! Did he seriously not think we had better things to do? Didn't he know that I didn't need him right now, of all things, to add to my fucking misery?!

I got cut in my train of thought and stopped suddenly. In front of me there had been a Door, one of those like only the Zone makes, but not the dormitory door, no, a real Door.

It was dark, and yet it seemed to glow. Its color was like, I dunno, a sort of purple, and it was in metal, I remember that. Apparently it wasn't DBJ's door, and yet I was terrified just by looking at it. Heart pumping hard and cold sweat all over me. The Halls were as silent and deserted as ever, it was kinda like time had frozen. It was just me and the Door. Just the both of us. I wondered what kind of horrors were hiding behind it. The vivid image of my friends' dead bodies came to me. A chamber, black, with some of them hanging from the ceiling, others on the cold floor, and one displayed on a chair. Meg, Em', Alix, Roxy and Leslie deserved way better than that, and I was so stiff and damn did that stiffness hurt.

And then my eyes fell on the door handle.

No. Way. In. Hell. But the Zone left me no choice now, did it? Helped by my curiosity and masochism, I saw my hand slowly draw itself towards the handle...

Inside I was screaming. Both my conscience and body were terrified, telling me not to do it. Animal instinct is so much smarter than our brains, really.

And then I groped the handle. It was cold, and faintly shining, golden colored you know. The fresh contact that ensued was even more terrifying, it was like electricity, the nerve tension, the fear. Then I slowly turned the cursed handle and...I opened the door. I felt like screaming, everything in me was swimming in fear, because the room was dark. Entirely, completely dark.

"THE DEAD BODIES!!!!!" I was sure I'd see all the dead bodies of my friends, that the Zone could read through my thoughts and make my worst nightmares come to life.

But then...the room suddenly lit up. That alone almost gave me a heart attack. The ones I had when I heard Fur's voice, in comparison, were nothing. Like a kitten with a cheetah.

I stared with wide eyes, petrified...and truthfully shocked.

The room was entirely white, and in the center was lying down a naked woman. She weakly tried to get up on her four, her long, thin black hair masking her features. And then she started crying.

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