12. Smother Me

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Author's Note: I know these past few updates have been less action packed, but I just want to reassure you all that a lot of drama's ahead. As it is, let me know what you think in the comments and if you enjoy Zone Albrecht don't forget to vote! 

Dedicated to Wolf1072 :) and if you haven't already, check out his book THIS IS NOT FOR YOU, it's really awesome with dark elements as well!


Julie walked up to me, sitting by my side. I was still gloom because Angie wasn't with me, and even more as I grieved Margot's loss. I thought I had exhausted all of my tears, but apparently not. I started crying, Margot's face appearing every time I closed my eyes. My pretty, tough little sister, with her blond hair, cute face, and her bossy ways. I stood motionless, lost in my memories, until I felt a hand shake me. I hoped it would be Angie, but it was just Julie, though I was happy to see her too.

"What now?" I somberly inquired.

"Someone disappeared again."

This perked my interest, and I examined her, waiting for more details.

"Well? Who was it?" I finally asked, impatient.

"Remember the asshole with all the acne, the one that kept shouting?"


"He's gone. Went in the corridors and disappeared inside a room."

"Someone saw that happen?! Who?! How?!" I asked, now burning to know more.

"A pal of his, a ninth grader dude named William, with blond hair. You know him?"

I shook my head as a no, and awaited more details, but Julie only sat silently by my side. We stood there, not saying a word, until Julie grabbed my hand and squeezed it. I returned the gesture, and after that she hugged me, her wet cheek against mine.

"I miss Chloe and Zoe!" she sobbed. I hugged her back and tried not to shed more tears as I answered.

"Me too."

"Max, I'm so scared. Are...are we gonna die too?"

There was nothing to answer, and we just embraced even more tightly. I closed my eyes and returned to the memories I had previously left.

Extract of Maxence's memoirs


Death. It's an abstract concept until it happens to people close to you. It's something that somehow, just doesn't have a meaning. It's like a shadow lurking behind us all. It isn't there. I look to my left and watch Jordan, who's writing steadily. To say that I'm feeling miserable would be an understatement. The death of people you knew does not even leave you miserable. It's completely alien to misery, it's a completely different type of sadness. It's like the Love I feel for Jordan in a way, that burning feeling on the brink of obsession, that complete inner devotion and adoration, is incomparable, completely alien to the love I feel for my best friend, my sister at heart, the person I care the most for with my family.

It's incomparable.

I slowly and gently lean my head on his shoulder. Fur bolts up and stares at me with wide eyes, shocked. Closest he'd ever get to making out, in my opinion. But that's just mean.

I need comfort, I need to touch someone, I need to try to forget, to put this new notion aside, return it to its obscure dimension. I want to go back to my innocence of before, this innocence of which I wasn't even aware.

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