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You and Min-hyung went over by a small shed, facing away from the rest of the party. He started pacing back and forth while running his hand through his hair.

"Is....everything alright?" You were starting worried about him. "Yeah, it's just, I'm trying to get my words together." He stopped pacing, faced you and took a deep breath.

"I think I'm love with you." You've known he's had a crush on you, but you would've never thought it would carry from freshman year of collage to now.

You didn't know what to say. Do you tell him you like someone else and they like you, really breaking his heart? or do try to let him down easy and say lets try to stay friends?

"If you won't say something, I guess I will. Since freshman year, I've liked you. You weren't like the other girls, you were prettier, nicer, you were fun to hang out with, inside and outside of school but, when you got your job to work for Bighit, I didn't get to see you as much and I missed that. It's been a year since that happened and to this day, you're all I'm able to think about."

You noticed he was gettingcloser with each sentence and since you were already leaning on the wall while watching him pace from earlier, you had nowhere else to go because at this point, he was very close to you.

"Min-hyung... I like someone else, and they like me. I like you, Minnie, you're a good friend to m-" He slammed his fist right by your head into the wall you were leaning on, "Don't you understand, Y/N?! I don't want to to be friends anymore," he slid his arm behind you and pulled you closer so that at this point, both your bodies are touching, "I want you to be mine." He wasn't the type to lose his temper so fast, but I guess over the year, things have changed.

He leaned in and tried to kiss you, but you pushed him off before he could try anything else. "Kim Namjoon. I like Kim Namjoon and he likes me." Thoes were the only words you could say. You could tell He was very confused, but you kept going.

"Call me crazy for saying that the Kim Namjoon likes be, but he said so himself. I saw him and this girl i hate go into his room and I thought they kissed or something but he told me that that wasn't the case and from there told me he likes me and then we almost kissed. I don't know, call it rushing, I mean we've never dated, hell, we've never even talked about just.. stuff but, I really like him and I want to get to know him and hopefully he wants to get to know me too-God, I'm rambling." You put your head in your hands and shook your head.

"Yeah, no kidding. So you like your boss slash internationally famous rapper and leader of a just as famous boy band, huh? You have a better chance with me." He chuckled and You lifted your head, glaring at him, "He's not just my boss, just like the rest of them, he's my best friend, something you no longer are to me."

He looked truly shocked, "Wait! Why?" You sarcastically laughed at him on disbelief, " 'Why?' Did you forget about that little stunt you pulled not even 5 minutes ago? None of that is okay and when I said I wanted to be friends, you said you didn't want to be friends anymore."

"Because I want to be with you, I want to be your boyfriend and you to be my girlfriend." He took at step closer to you, "You should've said it like that, but either way, I don't."

-645 words-
(And proof read)

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