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Hobi had created a plan that would let you and Namjoon celebrate his birthday as early as possible at 12 am while the two of you where at the park tonight, or morning technically, and also being able to celebrate with all the members before hand and it all starts with you and Susan being able to get off work just little earlier than usual.

Namjoon suggested that the two of you meet at the park at around 11, so everything starts to go down at 10:45. Jhope's plan was that the rest of the members would distract Namjoon while Hobi sneaks you and Susan into Bighit and into Namjoon's dorm and then the both of you video chat with him from inside his room, but without him knowing it.

Once you video chat with him, the other members would leave, go to the lounge room and into the kitchen, grab an already secretly set cake, silently get to Namjoon's dorm and wait with you two until he get there and surprise him. You and Susan left at 10:15 pm because it takes 30 minutes to get from Cheongdam-dong to get to towrds more of the center of Seoul. so that when this all went down, you all had time to eat the cake and then at 11 you'd go to the park with Namjoon.

The memebrs distraction for Namjoon was non stop rehearsal and practice. During this time, Hobi snuck you through the building and obviously knew the quickest was to get to the dorms. Once there, Hobi gave to the thumbs up to call Namjoon and then left.

You and Susan lied in the flat, wooden floor, trying not to make it obvious that you were in Namjoon's dorm. You got cozy next to eachother and Susan offered to hold the phone up and then pressed the call button.

It rang a couple times before he picked and when he did, we were greeted with a dimpled filled smile.

"Y/N and Susan, two of my many favorite staff members, what's up?

"Nothing much," You answered, "Whats ups with you?" Susan finished.

"Alot actually. The guys and I have been working non stop, constant singing rehersals and dance practices. Min-hyung was actually with us during our practice, and he's not bad so that's cool." V texted Susan's phone and said that they where here.

You guys weren't close by the door so they could easily come in. To make sure Namjoon didnt hear them come in, Susan covered the mic a bit to muffle out the sound of the door open and close to the best of her ability.

The three of you contuied talking as the members slowly and carefully walked in and closed the door without Him noticing. Some sat on a small sofa Jimin sat in Namjoon's chair by his desk and other sat around him.

Namjoon said that he was going to go to dorm to  sit down and rest while talking to you instead of sitting on the hard dance floor, which was perfect. The memebrs kept quiet even if here and there they somehow found something funny, but they covered their mouth and stayed quiet.

After about 3 minutes, the door knob of the door turned and the door its self opened as well....


You all cheered in unison and ended up scarring him and almost making him drop his phone. Suddenly, the lights went out and Jimin turned around in the chair with a bright enough candle light to create a dim light in the room.

"Saeng il chuk ha ham ni da," Jimin slowly started singing the happy birthday song in korean and the rest of joined, "Saeng il chuk ha ham ni da, sarang ha neun Namjoon, shi, saeng il chuk ha ham ni da."

The whole time, Jimin had been walking up to Namjoon with the cake a of course, at the end of the song, Namjoon blew out the candles and Jin turned on the lights. Namjoon was super happy about us being here and wishing him a happy birthday and you were also super happy that Hobi came up with this very elaborate plan.

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