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Once you both made it back to the cars and strapped yourselves in, you and everyone else in your car and probably anyone else who was still at the park and in the parking lot, heard two loud screams of people saying "WAIT!" or "DON'T GO YET!" So everyone looked out the window and you did yourself, to see what all the commotion was about.

In the distance, you made out two figures running at the cars and without a doubt, you knew that it was Susan and Mark. The two love birds who hid away and almost got left behind because they wanted to make out in an alleyway. Of course, the cars weren't in motion anyways because we weren't about to leave and not have everyone accounted for.

Susan hopped into your same car and Mark got into whichever car he was supposed to report back to. At some point during the drive back, your car was driving alongside one of the GOT7 member's car and you each rolled down your windows and waved out to them until they had to go a different direction and disappear into the darkness. About 15 minutes after that, everyone had fallen asleep and so did you since the sound of the drive and how smooth it was made it easy to drift off.

Susan POV: (rewind back to when everyone was eating)

Me and Mark hit it off like it was nothing. We talked casually and as if we were friend since primary school and grew up together. Even though it was easy to talk to each other, it wasn't easy to be together. We couldn't make our way to the next ride without a fan asking for a picture, or hearing the sounds of cameras clicking every time one of us would learn into the others ear to say something, simply because it was so loud at the park.

All this stuff worries me that both, me and Mark, might in trouble for being close in public and we won't be able to go out again. But we both dealt with it. He took the pictures, signed objects that fans wanted him to sign and we both learned to ignore the sounds of cameras clicking with every step we took. When it came time to have a late lunch and early dinner, it at least meant that we would have a lot more privacy.

We were both so eager to go on some more rides that we didn't order much to eat and then once finished we ran out to some more rides that were threating to close for the day since the day was coming to an end. But after all that, to end the day before heading back, we got onto the Ferris wheel so that we could just chill out and talk.

"Today was fun, I had fun." He said looking out the window and then back at me. "I had a lot of fun today too." He let out a sigh and slouched into his seat and he patted his lap while looking at me, I smiled and laid down on top of his lap and he started to play with my hair. "Why can't idols just live normal lives, but still be. . . Idols." He asked, clearly sounding tired of the situation that we were in all day.

"Trust me, you're not the only one wishes the same thing." I said smiling up at him and he looked down at me and smiled back at me. Unexpectedly, this turned into a moment of just staring, and not just a blank stare. That type of staring where the two of you examine each other's eyes and talk with an unspoken language.

The ride came to a stop and at this point, the park was empty so after having our little moment on the ride we ran into this alleyway and well. . . .we made out in an alleyway. Not the most romantic place n the world but it was worth it nonetheless. . . . . .

. . . . . .Except for when we needed to book it towards the cars so that we didn't get left behind and be forced to call someone from our companies and risk getting in real trouble. But we made it just in time to hop in our cars and get driven home and probably make it back at two in the morning and we all just need to get back to work.

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I meant to finish this much much sooner, but that clearly didn't happen 🙃😂

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