Chapter 1

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Alya's P.O.V
Marinette's house
Wednesday 12:00p.m

"Alya aaaahhhh help me, what am I gonna do, what do I say!" Marinette shrieked.
"Marinette calm down, you can do this, just calm down." "Just pretend I'm Adrien and say what you gotta say."

Marinette sighed

"Ok, Adrien, I wanted to ah-ask would.....maybe wanna erm hang out?"she squeaked "SATURDAY?!"

"That was great girl, now you just need to say that without stuttering,freezing up or staring at his face for too long" Alya said giggling.

"What if he says no Alya?"she said sadly "He could also say yes y'know,"she replied smirking.

Just then her trap door opened revealing her mom with a smile on her face. "Girls its time to get back to school, I packed some fresh cheese croissants for you to go with"she said.
"Thanks mom, let's go Alya."

Walking into school both girls were chatting away when Alya spotted Nino and Adrien talking. "Mari there's Adrien, do you wanna talk to him now?" "AH!! NO IM NOT READY YET!"

She sighed and continued pulling her into class, seeing Nino and Adrien following close behind.

Afternoon classes went surprisingly well, no akuma attacks, no Chole being a brat as usual, watching Adrien's beautiful blonde hair and daydreaming.

The last bell rang signalling the end of the school day and most students bolted out the door.

The four friends were about to walk out together when Adrien suddenly piped up "Shoot I forgot my history book in my locker, I'll be right back."

Alya nudged Marinette and whispered "Girl now's the time, the locker room will be empty, GO!" With a burst of Ladybug's confidence she went after the love of her life.

"Where's she goin?" Nino asked. Alya took his hand in hers (They aren't dating yet) causing him to blush. "Let's go wait outside for them."she said.

Locker room

It was completely empty except for Adrien and herself.

Marinette spotted Adrien digging through his locker and walked up to him "Um h-hey A-Adrien?"she stuttered. "Hey Marinette."he replied smiling. "Can I um ask you something?"
"Sure." Suddenly his phone rang showing Nathalie popping up on screen.

"I'll wait for you to finish the call, I'll be outside,"she said briskly walking out the door.
Pacing back and forth outside, Marinette was muttering to herself,"I can do this " multiple times.

"Adrien I'm just informing you that your father has cleared your schedule for the next two weeks because he is going to a fashion show in Italy. He trusts that you will be responsible as you have the mansion to yourself, you're allowed to have a maximum of three friends over."She said. "Wow, ok thank you Nathalie."he replied. She hung up.

Plagg then flew out of his pocket, knowing Marinette's intention. "Kid, about what that girl is gonna ask you, just say yes," Plagg said "what?" "Just tell her yes, if you trust me, you'll say yes"Plagg replied. "Uhh,ok, I mean I do trust you,"Adrien said. "Good." Was all Plagg said before flying back in his pocket.

As he was about to call Marinette she came back in. "Sorry about that, you can talk now." She took a deep breath "Do you wanna hang out Saturday?" "I did it, I asked without stuttering" she said in her mind. Adrien had a shocked look on his face "JUST SAY YES!!!" He could hear Plagg screaming in his mind.

"Yes" he replied smiling. "R-really?"she was blushing bright red now. "Of course, it's a date"he said confidently. She gasped looking at him rummaging around in his bag for something. He pulled a piece of paper and a pen wrote on it and handed it to her.

Call me ;)

His number. Adrien then proceeded to walk out the locker room not before winking and smirking at her.

"AAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHH TIKKI I'M GONNA FAINT!"SHE SHOUTED. Tikki giggled saying "I'm so happy for you Marinette, now you can go tell Alya she was right and we can celebrate by having lots of cookies." "Sounds like a great idea."Marinette replied, hustling out to reach home.

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