Chapter 10

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A soft, lengthy groan echoed from Marinette's room.

"Mari..., princess,"he panted slightly.

She pulled away from his neck observed her work; a nice, red medium sized hickey on its way to become purple.

"W-wait" Adrien said slightly breathless

He looked down at down ground while flushing

"I love you too" he said looking back up at her

His feelings for her were as clear as day now, his lady was this sweet loveable beautiful girl who he couldn't stop kissing.

"Will you be my girlfriend Marinette?"
"Of course kitty." She said giggling happily

They locked eyes and smiled even wider than they were already. No further words needed to be said in this moment.

Marinette could feel the intense feeling in her chest, she was feeling as if she could just explode with happiness.

Adrien was still slouched against the wall staring at her intently with his hands resting comfortably on her hips while she stared back with a smirk in her face.

He leaned in to kiss her again but not before brushing a stray strand of her hair behind her ear with that same endearing gaze.

"How can someone look this hot!!!" She squealed in her mind.

As she was about to open her mouth to speak he already captured her lips and licking them, tasting her lip gloss
"Strawberry"he realized.

"How long do you think they're gonna be doing this? I'm hungry"Plagg asked
"They're in love, leave them be you floating stomach."
"You're no fun sugarcube."he said flopping onto a table.

"I thought you were supposed to catch butterflies not make them."Adrien murmured against her lips.
"I'm just as nervous as you,"she said with a shy smile looking at her hands.

"Adrieeeeeen"Plagg whined
"What Plagg?"
"Plagg, seriously?"Adrien and Tikki asked.

Marinette ran over to Plagg

"Oh you poor little kitty cat,I'll get you a nice cheese croissant, would you like that"Marinette cooed cradling him against her cheek.
He started purring.
"Yes please, you're the only one that cares about me."
"Alright, one minute"she said and sprinted out the trap door.

When Plagg turned around he was met with two glares.

"What?" Plagg asked

"Really Plagg, can't I spend some quality time with my girlfriend?

Girlfriend...he liked the sound of that, definitely a phrase he could get used to.

A dopey smile made its way onto his face and she sighed in happiness.
"Geez kid, your lips are swollen, you should be thanking me for giving you a breather."

He blushed profusely and was about to protest when Marinette returned with a plate full of macaroons, cookies,cheese and croissants.

"Yay! Macaroons!"Tikki squealed
"And my precious cheese, my gooiness" he said stroking it before devouring it.

She set the plate on the chaise and walked up to him confidently smirking and leant up, initiating a kiss. He saw this, parted his lips and closed his eyes partially. Instead of kissing him though, she booped his nose and started cracking up.

"Mariiiiiiiii, you wounded my heart, it's permanently broken, however will I recover from this?" he started putting his left hand over his heart.

She shut him up with a sweet kiss.
"Let's go for ice cream, you should probably hide that hickey though."

Summoning their kwamis, they made themselves presentable before going downstairs to greet Marinette's parents.

They were in the kitchen rolling dough when they spotted them holding hands. They looked at each other with knowing grins.

Tom spoke up first "Welcome to the family son " he said before enveloping him in a bear hug, squeezing him with the strength of a Tameranean.
"Marinette why didn't you tell us!
How long have you been dating? Have you been feeding him properly? You know the only way to a man's heart is through his stomach."she chastised lightly.

"Okay mom, we're going now"she said with gritted teeth pulling Adrien outside.

"Eheh, bye Mr.Dupain and Mrs.Cheng" Adrien said while walking out

"Did they really think we wouldn't see that hickey?"Sabine asked laughing
"You could hear the noises a mile away, I hope they know we're too young to be grandparents."he replied laughing

"Your parents are really nice."Adrien said amused.
"And incredibly nosy"she sighed

Andre's Ice-cream Cart

"Marinette and oh? Adrien!"
"What a lovely couple we have here" he said smiling knowingly

He gave Marinette one scoop of peach and a scoop of mint with a cherry on top and Adrien got blueberry (idk) and cherry.

"Thanks Andre!"they said simultaneously and went to a bench to eat

"Marinette my ice cream looks just like you"
She giggled "yeah it does"
"It probably tastes as sweet just like you too" he said smirking

She gasped laughing out "Adrien" and gave him a playful shove

Plagg flew out of Adrien's shirt, "you two are so cheesy, speaking of cheese do you think he has any cheese flavoured ice cream?"
"What? Ew Plagg, no" Adrien replied

Tikki flew out of Marinette's purse, "can I have some ice cream please?"
"Of course Tikki, here" she said and gave some of the peach to her

"What about me too Mari?" Adrien said pouting
She sighed and fed him some, "this is great"
As she was about to resume eating she saw Adrien pushing a spoonful of his towards her with a slight blush on his face.
She smiled and accepted the offer, and they went back and forth feeding each other until all the ice cream finished.

They sat there on the bench simply enjoying each other's company when Adrien turned to look at his girlfriend, he noticed a bit of ice cream at the corner of her lips. A cheeky idea developed in his mind.

"Yeah?"she turned to look at him
He leaned in towards her quickly and licked the remainder off her lips and then kissed her.

"I uh-um" she stammered

He started laughing and gave her a few pecks on her cheek, causing her to blush as they were out in public.

She closed her eyes and leaned in towards him, showing him what she wanted. He gladly reciprocated and they started a small make out session right there on that bench.

Plagg peeked out Adrien's shirt to see why they had gone so quiet, he sighed shook his head and phased into her purse to talk to Tikki.

Meanwhile Marinette and Adrien were in their own little world making out when Marinette finally pulled away, hearing whispers and giggles.

She looked up to see Alya, Nino, Mylene and Ivan.

A fierce blush appeared on her face, "um, h-how long have you been standing here?"
Adrien didn't care though, he smirked at them then put his arm around her waist.
"About a minute." Mylene said laughing
"Anyways guys, let's go before my ice cream melts, Adrien looks like he's ready to continue" Alya said pulling Nino

"Call me later" she said to Marinette and with that they all left.

"Adrien! You didn't say anything to help the situation" she said playfully pouting
"What's there to say Princess? Besides I love you" he replied stroking her cheek while staring adoringly at her.

She smiled and blushed at him, shook her head and got up.
"Patrol tonight?"she asked
"Definitely" he replied

He walked her back home, gave her a few more kisses then proceeded back to his mansion until later.

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