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Sitting at a dinner table thinking to myself, why am I still here?.

Liam's mother hasn't stopped throwing insults my or Michael's way. Liam is sitting next to me jaw clenched, his knees bouncing as he glares at his mother.

"So Liam baby tell me how much you have left on your bank account? Cause I know a black bitch ain't cheap with their fake hair, nails, teeth, boobs and ass. It's like you've got yourself as doll you can fuck."

Dorothy laughs while clicking her glass with Carla.

"Don't worry Dorothy when he's done playing with his toys, he's gonna put them away and grow up."says the ragged slut

"Oh shut the fuck up with your orange tanned pumpkin face Carla, and just admit that a black woman is fucking a dick you fantasize about!"

Mike just put the bitch in her place and I send him a grateful smile.

Oh how I hate my parents right now for teaching me manners but it's alright what goes up must come down.

"Oh fuck off Michael, don't you have a Dick to go suck?"

" I have two actually, and you have... None! hehehe"

"Behave yourself faggot, So kafir your mother told you to drop outta school and get yourself a white man as a source of income?"

oooh fuck no uh-uh she just went to damn far.

"DOROTHY! that is just fucking rude and uncalled for, this woman has done nothing to you. So I fucking demand you apologize to my girlfriend!"

Liam's face is beetroot red as he says this. I am happy as he says this, but to me family has always came first. Girlfriends come and go, family is forever.

"Ey don't fucking raise your voice to you mother because of this Kafir bitch, hear me boy."

Liam senior voices his opinion for the first time during this brunch.

Liam junior is about to back chat when I stop him.

"No it's ok Liam. Mrs Graham I am not going to disrespect you in your own home, but I have had enough of your in insults, thank you for having me."

With that I get up to live and Liam grabs my wrist, and I shake my hand at him to let me go. I make my way outside when I hear heels clicking behind me. I turn around to see the ragged slut behind me with a smug smile on her face.

"Oh poor Kafir bitch, I feel sorry for you... Not!"

She's laughing so hard that she doesn't notice the huge grin on my face. Ragged shut just made one big mistake! and that's following a mad black woman into the STREETS. Now she is in a Lions den.... Nice

I use two my locks to tie up the rest, quickly kick off my shoes and bunch my maxi dress into the sides of my panties. Now she's looking at me like I've lost it.

"Now you trying to sell pussy in suburban streets?"

Fisting up my fist I throw it so hard towards her face and knock her to the ground. Straddling her punch her over and over unleashing all the anger I locked up during that fucking brunch.


"I have never thought, you could be so rude and thoughtless Mother!"

I'm seething mad right now. That is a woman I love, it doesn't matter if she's black. I just thought my parents love me enough ato welcome someone that makes me happy.I guess I was wrong...

"You know what I am leaving!"

"Know if you live you no longer a part of this family son."

"It's fine Dad I wouldn't want a homophobic, racist family anyways."

Making my way to Mike.

" hope I still have you. I'm sorry for not having your back man."

"It's cool, I just wanted you to see what your parents are  for yourself."

I pull him into a bare hug when my Dad says.

"Oh you're also fired Liam."

"It's ok, that means I can finally go after my own dreams."

Just then I hear sirens outside, looking around I notice Carla is not here

Oh shit...


I feel strong arms lifting me off  ragged slut.

"Ma'am I'm gonna have to arrested you for assault."

Says a blond haired green eyed officer.

"You cannot arrest me for self defense officer."

"There's no evidence that it's self defense ma'am."

"Well it's not my fault the ragged shut bruises easily or that she can't fight. You just arresting me because I'm black right."

Just then Liam comes out the house running.

"Excuse me officer, why are arresting my girlfriend?"

The officer looks dumbstruck.

"Well when I saw her hit the lady, I thought I should I arrest her."

"Sir that's a stupid reason to arrest someone and besides there's no evidence  or witnesses. It will be her word against hers."

The officer looked scared at how Liam was looking at him like things could turn against him real quick.

"Alright then sir I apologise, I admit it was racist of me to arrest her without further investigation of what happened."

With that the officer left and Liam grabbed my wrist and pulled me towards his car.

"Gish ishn't ober wu bish"

Carla screeched threateningly from the ambulance.


Wow brunch was  chaotic.. lol

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