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Hey this is my first proper story don't be

afraid to comment :-)

L x

Please dont copyright either x


A slim woman with long blond hair tumbling

down her shoulders in curls watched a little

girl lying near the fireplace playing with a

thread of the carpet. The little girl looked up

at the woman ‘mummy can I hear the dragon

tear lullaby again?’ she asked. The woman

smiled ‘Ok here we go’ and with that she

started to sing the lullaby

Once was a pair,

A pair with bonds so strong

So strong even death could not part them,

A dagger as sharp it pierced the human’s


And straight to the heart,

The dragon did whine,

 But only brought light when the tear of the

dragon slipped from its safety,

 And fell on the human’s heart,

And he woke once again.

‘Why are dragon tears so important?’ the

little girl asked

‘Because my darling they can heal anything

and bring back the dead and most important

of all there is only one tear in each dragon

and it is impossible to take a dragons tear

only a dragon can give it to you.’ The woman

explained. The girl was about to ask another

question when there was a loud banging on

the front door. The little girl’s mother was up

immediately and grabbed the girl putting her

gently into the cupboard ‘Stay here' she

whispered then with one last look and a kiss

on the head she closed the doors. The girl

tried to block out the sounds of screams and

bangs after a while it went silent the little girl

hugged her self tightly

‘It will be ok Lilac’ she whispered to herself

rocking gently ‘it will be ok’

That was the last time she saw her mum

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